Total Quality Management (TQM)


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·       TQM

o   Total: - Whole

o   Quality: - Degree of excellence

o   Management: - Art of planning, controlling, coordinating, directing and motivating

·       Hence, it can be defined as an art of managing the whole to achieve excellence

·       According to the ISO “TQM is

o   A management approach for an organization

o   Centered on quality

o   Based on the participation of all its members

o   Aiming at long-term success through customer satisfaction

o   Benefits to all members of the organization and to the society


Characteristics of TQM

o   Management Committed

o   Closer Customer Relations

o   Benchmarking

o   Increased Training

o   Employee Empowerment

o   Flexible Production

o   Process Measuring


Aspects of TQM

o   Counting

o   Tools, techniques and training to

§  Analyze, understand and solve out the quality problems

o   Customers

o   Customers are the driving force and central concern

o   Culture

o   These are the shared values and beliefs


Principles & Key Elements of TQM

o   Principles

o   Produce quality work

o   Focus on the customer

o   Have a strategic approach to improvement

o   Improve Continuously

o   Encourage mutual respect and teamwork

o   Key Elements

o   Focus on the customer

§  Identify the organization customers

·       External Customers: Consumes the organizations product or service

·       Internal Customers: Receives the output of other employees

o   Employee involvement

§  Employees should be involved in quality initiatives

§  Employees are likely to have the closest contact with external customers

§  Employees must have the authority to innovate and improve quality

o   Continuous improvement

§  It is the incremental improvement that occurs on a regular basis will eventually add up to vast improvement in quality

§  The improvement can be done in 5 ways: -

·       Reduce resources

·       Reduce errors

·       Meet expectations

·       Make process safer

·       Make process more satisfying


Benefits, Advantages & Disadvantages of TQM

·       Benefits

o   Improved quality

o   Employee participation

o   Team work

o   Customer satisfaction

o   Employee satisfaction

o   Productivity

o   Profitability

o   Market Share

·       Advantages

o   Improves reputation

o   High employee morale

o   Lower cost

o   Decrease wastage

·       Disadvantages

o   Initial introduction cost

o   Benefits may not be seen for several years

o   Workers may be resistant to change

Video Description

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