History, Growth & Evolution of Management


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·       Management is not a word that introduced yesterday, it exist from thousands of years and get evolution from time to time.

·       The view of history helps us to understand the today’s management theories & practices and help to see that what has worked and what has not.

·       The Pyramids of Egypt, Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar and many more things of this world tells us the degree of management that exist at that time.

·       The remarkable and significant events in the history of management that contributes in the growth and evolution of management are

o   Division of Labor

§  THE WEALTH OF NATIONS” published in 1776 by Adam Smith

§  He argued about the Division of labor and Job specialization.

§  He states about the economic advantages that a organization and society would gain from the above argues.

§  After that job specialization continues to be popular.

o   Industrial Revolution

§  Started in late 18th century (1750 to 1850), when the machines were introduced to replace humans.

§  Changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, technology and mining  had a hard effect on the

o   Social

o   Economical

o   & Cultural aspects of that time

§  It begins in Britain and spreads to other countries so fast.


Approaches to Management

·       Classical Approach

·       Quantitative Approach

·       Behavioral Approach

·       Contemporary Approach


Classical Approach

·       Scientific Management

o   In 1911 Frederic Winslow Taylor’s published the “Principles of Management” and started the concept of modern management.

o   F.W Taylor was a mechanical engineer in a steel company and was shocked by the

§  Inefficiency of the workers

§  Non existence of the working standards

§  Tasks were not allotted according to their skills

o   He tried different tools, techniques, procedures and realized that the efficiency of workers can be increased by

§  Right person equipped with right tools

§  Proper instructions

§  Motivated by a high incentive

·       General Administrative Theory

o   This theory is completely based on the two persons and their views

§  Henry Fayol and his 14 principles

·       Division of work

·       Authority

·       Discipline

·       Unity of command

·       Unity of direction

·       Remuneration

·       Subordination of individual interest

·       Centralization

·       Scalar Chain

·       Order

·       Equity

·       Initiative

·       Espirit De Corps

·       Stability of Tenure

§  Max Weber and his definition of Bureaucracy i.e

·       Division of labor

·       Well defined hierarchy

·       Rules & regulations

·       Impersonal relationship

·       Formal selection


Quantitative Approach

·       It is well known as the Operational Research or management science.

·       This approach deals with the numbers and evolved from the statistical & mathematical methods.

·       It focuses to solve the logistics and quality control problems

·       Helps to improve the managerial decision making by

§  Statistics

§  Information models

§  Optimization models

§   Computer simulations

·       The best examples of this approach are

§  Case control study

§  Cohort study

§  Sampling

§  Regression analysis

§  Correlation coefficient etc


Behavioral Approach

·       Early Advocates of OB

o   In 20th century the peoples realizes the importance of workers in the success of an organization

o   This importance is bring into the notice by

§  Robert Owen

§  Hugo Munsterberg

§  Mary Parker Follet

§  Chester Barnard

o   They all believed that peoples were the important assets of the organisation

·       Hawthorne Studies

o   This study was design and conducted at Western Electric Company in 1924.

o   Objective of this study is to examine the effect of various lightening levels on workers’ productivity.

o   Workers was divided into two groups

§  Experimental group

§  Control Group

o   The experimental group exposed to various intensities of light but the control group worked at a constant light intensity

o   As the level of light intensity increases the productivity also increases in both the groups and when the intensity of light decreases the productivity continued to increases in both the groups.

o   The results indicates that the incentive plan had less effect on the worker output in comparison to the

§  Group Pressure

§  Acceptance

§  Security

·       Organization Behavior

o   It studies the action or behavior of the peoples at work

o   The outcomes of OB are

§  Motivating

§  Building Trust

§  Team Work

§  Managing People


Contemporary Approach

·       Systems Theory

o   A set of Interrelated parts of an organization working together for a common purpose

o   The system need the orderly arrangement and proper communication to achieve the goal

o   Generally two types of organization exist in nature

§  Closed System (Having an isolated environment)

§  Open System (Having an interactive environment)

o   Survival of the organization also depends on the external factors also such as

·       Government regulation

·       Customer taste & feedback

·       Supplier relation

o   Decision in one area affects the other areas of an organisation also.

·       Contingency Theory

o   The meaning of contingency is any future event which is possible but can’t be predicted with certainty

o   It is also well known by the name of situational approach

o   External and Internal factors must be considered and the focus should be on the action that best fits on the given situation

o   The best way to describe this approach is “If-then”.

o   Example of this theory can be the contingency management used by the Coca-Cola Corporation to handle the demand and needs of the product according to the situation.


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