BASICS OF PHARMACOLOGY Description also available in video format (attached below) Introduction 1) Pharmacology is a science of drugs that deals with the study of drugs or medicines effects on the body. 2) The term Pharmacology derives from two Greek words Pharmakon (Drug or Medicine) Logos (Science) DRUGS (Medicines) Definition Drug is a chemical substance that is used to modify the physiological system for the benefit of the recipient (patient). Sources of drugs The drugs are obtained from various sources such as Minerals (Paraffin, Magnesium sulfate) Animals (Insulin, Thyroid) Plants (Morphine, Quinine) Synthetic (Aspirin, Sulfonamides) Microbes (Penicillin & other antibiotics) Genetical engineering (Human insulin, Hormones) Dosage forms of drug The drugs are available in various dosage forms such as Tablets Capsules Injection Infusion Solution Cream Suspension Aerosol etc Routes of drug administration The drugs can be administered from various routes such as Oral (PCM tab...