Quality Management System (QMS)


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"Quality Management System." A Quality Management System is a set of policies, processes, and procedures required for planning and execution in the core business area of an organization. The primary goal of a QMS is to ensure that products or services provided by a company meet or exceed customer expectations and regulatory requirements.

Key elements of a QMS may include:

  1. Quality Policy: A statement from top management expressing the organization's commitment to quality.
  2. Quality Objectives: Specific, measurable goals that are consistent with the quality policy.
  3. Documented Processes: Procedures and work instructions that detail how key processes within the organization are carried out.
  4. Risk Management: Identifying and addressing potential risks that could impact the quality of products or services.
  5. Monitoring and Measurement: Regularly assessing and monitoring processes and outputs to ensure they meet the desired quality standards.
  6. Continual Improvement: A commitment to ongoing improvement of processes and the QMS itself.
  7. Customer Focus: A focus on meeting customer requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  8. Employee Training: Ensuring that employees are trained and competent to carry out their responsibilities.
  9. Audits and Assessments: Regular internal and external audits to assess compliance with the QMS and identify areas for improvement.
  10. Corrective and Preventive Actions: Processes for addressing nonconformities and preventing their recurrence.

Purpose, Benefits & Elements of QMS

·       Purpose

o   Improving processes

o   Facilitate & identify training opportunities

o   Engaging staff

o   Setting organization wide direction

·       Benefits

o   Meeting the customer requirements

§  Install confidence in the organization

§  Leading to more customers

§  More sales

§  More repeat business

o   Meeting the organization requirement

§  Ensures compliance with regulations

§  Provision of products & services in the most cost & resource efficient manner

§  Creating room for

·       Expansion

·       Growth

·       & Profit

·       Elements

o   Organizations quality policy

o   Organization quality objectives

o   Quality manual

o   Procedures, instructions & records

o   Data management

o   Internal processes

o   Customer satisfaction

o   Improvement opportunities

o   Quality analysis

Implementation of QMS

·       Design & Build

o   This step serves to develop the

§  Structure

§  Processes

§  & Plans for the implementation

o   Management must have to consider out the two things

§  Needs of the organization

§  Needs of its customers

·       Deploy

o   It is the breaking down each process into sub process

o   Educating staff on

§  Documentation

§  Education

§  Training

§  Tools

§  & metrics

o   Intranets are increasingly being used to assist in the deployment of QMS

·       Control & Measure

o   These are the two areas of establishing a QMS that are largely accomplished by routine & systematic audits of QMS

o   The specifics vary greatly from organization to organization depending on the

§  Size

§  Potential risk

§  Environmental impact

·       Review & Improve

o   It deals with how the results of an audit are handled

o   Goals are to be determine the effectiveness & efficiency of each process towards its objectives

o   Communicate the findings to the employees

o   Develop new practices & processes on the basis of data collected during the audit

Video Description

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