International Organization for Standardization (ISO-9000)


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ISO 9000 is a set of international standards for quality management and quality assurance. The ISO 9000 family of standards is developed and maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The standards provide a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a quality management system.

Key components of ISO 9000 include:

  1. ISO 9001: This is the main standard in the ISO 9000 family. It outlines the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to. ISO 9001 is applicable to any organization, regardless of its size or the industry it operates in.
  2. Quality Management Principles: ISO 9000 is based on a set of eight quality management principles, which include customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, system approach to management, continual improvement, factual approach to decision making, and mutually beneficial supplier relationships.
  3. Process Approach: ISO 9001 emphasizes the importance of adopting a process approach to managing an organization. This involves understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system to achieve the organization's objectives.
  4. Documentation and Records: ISO 9001 requires the creation and maintenance of documentation that describes the quality management system. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining records to demonstrate conformity to requirements and the effective operation of the system.
  5. Continual Improvement: One of the fundamental principles of ISO 9000 is the concept of continual improvement. Organizations are encouraged to continually monitor and improve their processes and systems to enhance overall performance.
  6. Customer Satisfaction: ISO 9001 places a strong emphasis on meeting customer requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction. Understanding and fulfilling customer needs are considered essential for the success of an organization.
  7. Certification and Auditing: Organizations can seek certification to ISO 9001 through a third-party certification body. The certification process involves an audit of the organization's quality management system to ensure compliance with the standard.

Principles of ISO 9000

The ISO 9000 is based on seven principles of quality management

1)     Customer focus

a.      Primary focus of quality management is to meet customer requirements

b.     The organization needs to strive to exceed customer expectations

c.      This principle includes

                                                    i.     Recognize the needs of existing and future customer

                                                  ii.     Aligning the objectives of organization with customer needs & expectations

                                                iii.     Meet customer requirements

                                                iv.     Assess customer satisfaction

                                                  v.     Handle customer relationships

2)     Leadership

a.      Leaders at all level can establish

                                                    i.     Unity of purpose

                                                  ii.     Unity of direction

                                                iii.     Conditions in which peoples are engaged in achieving the objective of organization

b.     This principle includes

                                                    i.     Establish a vision & direction for the organization

                                                  ii.     Set the goals

                                                iii.     Establish trust

                                                iv.     Train & empower employees

                                                  v.     Identify employee contributions

3)     Engagement of people

a.      It is essential to enhance the capability of the organization by the help of

                                                    i.     Competent peoples

                                                  ii.     Empowered peoples

                                                iii.      & Engaged peoples at all levels

b.     This principle includes

                                                    i.     Employees skills are used & valued

                                                  ii.     Makes people responsible

                                                iii.     Participation in continual improvement

                                                iv.     Evaluation of individual performance

                                                  v.     Facilitation of learning & knowledge sharing

4)     Process approach

a.      Excellent results are achieved when activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes

b.     This principle includes

                                                    i.     Supervise activities as process

                                                  ii.     Assess the capability of activities

                                                iii.     Identify linkages between activities

                                                iv.     Prioritize improvement opportunities

                                                  v.     Organize resources effectively

5)     Improvement

a.      Successful organizations have an ongoing focus on improvement

b.     This principle includes

                                                    i.     Develop organizational performance & capabilities

                                                  ii.     Align advanced activities

                                                iii.     Empower people to make improvements

                                                iv.     Measure improvement consistently

                                                  v.     Celebrate the improvements

6)     Evidence based decision making

a.      The decision can be said more productive and result oriented if it is based on

                                                    i.     Analysis of data & information

                                                  ii.     Evaluation of data & information

b.     This principle includes

                                                    i.     Accessibility of accurate & consistent data

                                                  ii.     Use of suitable methods to analyse the data

                                                iii.     Make decisions based on analysis

                                                iv.     Balance data analysis with practical experience

7)     Relationship Management

a.      For a sustained success, an organization manages it relationship with interested parties

b.     This principle includes

                                                    i.     Identify & select suppliers to

1.     Manage cost

2.     Optimize resources

3.     & create value

                                                  ii.     Establish relationships considering both the short & long term

                                                iii.     Share expertise, resources, information and plans with partners

                                                iv.     Collaborate on improvement and development activities

                                                  v.     Recognize supplier successes

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