Two Bin System & Cyclic System


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Two Bin System


·       A system that is used to determine when items or materials used in the production should be replenished

·       When items in the first bin have been depleted, an order is placed to refill or replace them

·       The second bin is then supposed to have enough items to last until the order for the first bin arrives

·       In short, the first bin has a minimum of working stock and the second bin keeps reserve stock or remaining material

·       The two bin inventory control method is also sometimes referred to as KANBAN

            Key Takeaways

·       This method is almost always used for small or low value items that can be easily purchased and stored in bulk

·       Bin cards and store ledger cards are used to record the inventory

·       It ensures that companies reduces the inventory risk and always have the right level of stock to meet the demand


Cyclic System


·       It is also known as a Customer Order Cycle

·       It refers to the process which includes all of the elapsed time from the placement of the order until the product is received and placed into the customer’s inventory

·       In logistics: Nothing happens until somebody orders something

·       The components of this system are

o   Order preparation

o   Order transmittal

o   Order receipt

o   Order entry

o   Order processing

o   Order picking

o   Order packing

o   Order transportation

o   Order delivery & Unloading

            Factors Affecting Cyclic System

·       Processing priorities

·       Inadequate stock

·       Order filling accuracy

·       Order batching

·       Shipment consolidation

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