Results Based Management (MBR)


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·       Result Based Management or MBR is a tool to monitor and manage the implementation of strategy

·       It uses public needs and desired results as the foundation for management

·       It focuses on the key questions

o   How has the management made a difference?

o   How are the lives of the general public better as a result of planning?

Why MBR?

·       For the participation, transparency and accountability

·       Increasing demand for the delivery of sustainable and more equitable development

·       Positive changes of new public management movement

·       Optimum use of limited resources

·       Effectiveness of the development


Why and How MBR?

·       Focuses more on results

·       Ensures that the outcome is as per the set goals

·       Give importance to strategy

·       More strategic in nature


Why do we Care MBR?

·       Changes focus from how to get it done to why we do it?

·       To drive the process of planning from peoples need

·       Makes us accountable to the client & stakeholders

·       It helps to shows the results in a

o   Better implementation

o   Better communication

o   Stronger capacity

o   Realistic

o   Useful evaluation



·       Planning Consistency

·       Expenditure Framework

·       Result Framework

·       Monitoring & Evaluation



·       Plan for results

o   Results defined

o   Indicators

o   Targets

·       Budget for results

o   Budget aligned with activities

·       Implement for results

·       Monitor the results

o   Linked to planning

o   How & Who?

o   Data reporting

·       Evaluate results

o   How & Who?

o   Dissemination

o   Feedback



·       Causality Analysis

·       Hierarchy of desired results

·       Identification and use of indicators

·       Use of change language

·       Result based budgeting


Necessary For

·       Effectiveness

·       Efficiency

·       Accountability

·       Transparency


Contributes on

·       Enlarging the size of the economy

·       Levelling the playing field for investment

·       Ensure contribution of all in growth process

·       Sustain the present level of achievements

·       Benefit to all sections of society

·       Improve economic growth

Video Description

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