Rational Drug Use and Prescription Audit



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Rational Drug Use

·       Introduction

o   RDU can be defined as the usage of appropriate drug with

§  Proven safety

§  Proven efficacy

§  For the right patient

§  In the appropriate dose and dosage form

§  In proper intervals of time

§  At low cost

·       Criteria for using medicines

o   Appropriate indications

o   Appropriate drug

o   Affordable

o   Appropriate administration, dosage & duration

o   Appropriate patient

o   Appropriate patient information

·       Obstacles in RDU

o   Prescriber may obtain some financial benefits in prescribing more drugs

o   Pharmacist may also promote irrational drug use to enhance his sales

o   Easy availability of schedule H drugs (Habitual forming drugs like cocaine)

o   No proper training and continues education to the prescriber

o   Wrong notion among common man that every ill has a pill

·       Measure to promote RDU

o   Educational measures

§  Training of prescriber

§  Printed material

§  Patient education

o   Regulatory measures

§  Medicine registration

§  Limited medicines list

§  Prescribing restrictions

§  Dispensing restrictions

o   Managerial measures

§  Monitoring Supervising

§  Feedback

§  Selection of medicines

§  Procurement of medicines

§  Distribution of medicines

§  Prescribing & dispensing approaches


Prescription Audit


·       Introduction

o   Prescription is a paper on which a doctor has written the name of the medicine that you need

o   Patients takes their prescription to the pharmacist and get their medicines

o   Audit is the evaluation of data, documents and resources to check the performance of the system to meet some standards

·       Steps

o   Defining standards

o   Collecting data

o   Identifying areas for improvement

o   Making necessary changes

o   Background for defining new standards

·       Process

o   Randomly selected the prescriptions

o   In prescription check all the parameters of audit as per the checklist

o   Fill the prescription audit checklist

o   Submit the report to the department and quality committee

·       Parameters

o   Name of patient

o   Age

o   OPD number

o   Dose of drug

o   Dosage of drug

o   Route of drug administration

o   Frequency of drug administration

o   Date

o   Legible

o   Known allergy documented

o   Drug interactions, if any

o   Food drug interactions, if any

o   Signature of the doctor

o   Percentage (%) of

§  Medicines prescribed by generic name

§  Encounters with an antibiotic prescribed

§  Encounters with an injection prescribed

§  Medicines prescribed which are from essential medicines list or formulary list

§  Medicines actually dispensed

§  Medicines that actually labelled

§  Patient who know how to take their medicines

·       Benefits

o   Provide background information for decision on formulation of National essential list of medicine (NLEM)

o   Promote working with multidisciplinary teams

o   Resource allocation to provide better patient care

o   Improve professional practice and quality standards

o   Identify & eliminate wastage


Video Description

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