Patient OR Therapeutic Diet


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·       Patient Diet is a meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods or nutrients

·       It is the part of the treatment of a medical condition

·       It is normally prescribed by a physician

·       It is planned by a dietician

·       Basically it is a modification of a regular diet



·       Dietary Management for Cardiovascular Diseases

o   Objectives

§  To relieve strain to the heart

§  To prevent further damage to the heart

§  To restore the damage heart

o   Food Recommended

§  Skim Milk

§  Cereals & Pulses

§  Whole Grain

§  All Vegetables & Fruits

§  Oat meal, Pectin & Gums

§  Egg white & Fish

§  Vegetable oils & Sugar

o   Food to be Avoided

§  Cholesterol rich food

§  Cheese

§  Organ meat

§  Egg yolk

§  Alcohol

·       Dietary Management for Chronic Renal Failure

o   Low protein diet

o   Low sodium diet

o   Foods to be avoided

§  Extra milk

§  Meat

§  Cakes

§  Green leafy vegetables

·       Dietary Management for Diabetes Mellitus

o   Foods not allowed

§  Glucose

§  Honey

§  Chocolates

o   Foods to be avoided

§  Potatoes

§  Jam

§  Alcoholic beverages

§  Mangoes

o   Foods to be used freely

§  Green leafy vegetables

§  Tomatoes

§  Black Coffee

§  Pickles without oil

·       Diet In Fever

o   Nutritional requirements will depends on the nature & severity of the fever

o   Calories requirement is increase

o   Frequent feeding must be given to the client

o   Fluid intake must be from 3000-5000 ml in the form of glucose

o   Readily digestible foods must be given

o   When fever goes down, bread with milk, puddings or rice dal must be given

·       Diet In Constipation

o   Should include food rich in fiberS like

§  White cereals

§  Whole legumes

§  Mature vegetables

§   Fruits rich in fibers like

·       Apple

·       Banana

·       Guava

§  More fluids in the form of

·       Coffee

·       Tea

·       Fruit juices

·       Butter milk

·       Diet In Diarrhoea

o   Must include mainly fluids like oral boiled water containing electrolyte salt like

§  Glucose

§  Sodium chloride

§  Potassium chloride etc

o   Fluids should be given quarter one hourly frequently

o   Oral rehydration solution must be given


Various Diets

·       Soft Diet

o   Soft raw fruits

o   Soft bread

o   Cereals

o   Soft desserts

o   Fish

·       Clear Liquid Diet

o   Clear water

o   Clear sodas

o   Plain gelatine

o   Honey

o   Tea without milk

·       Low Protein Diet

o   Meat

o   Fish

o   Eggs

o   Milk

o   Yogurt

o   Peanut butter

·       Low Cholesterol Diet

o   Oat cereals

o   Unsalted crackers

o   Vegetable juices

o   Sunflower

o   Chicken

Video Description

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