Nutrition and Healthy Diet


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·       Nutrients are the materials which provides the primary requirements of life in the form of energy

·       Nutrition is the process which is responsible for providing energy

·       Basically nutrition is the sum of all processes through which the food is

o   Taken

o   Digested

o   Absorbed

o   Utilized

o   & Excreted



·       In our body 50 different nutrients supplied through food

·       Each nutrition has its own specific function

·       Most of the foods contain more than one nutrient

·       Basically nutrients are of 2 types

o   Macronutrients

§  These are the proteins, fats and carbohydrates which are also known as “Proximate Principles”

§  For the proper utilization of macronutrients, the presence of micronutrients is necessary in our body

§  Their contribution to the total energy intake is

·       Carbohydrates 60-80%

·       Fats 10-30%

·       Proteins 7-15%

o   Micronutrients

§  Requires in small quantity

§  Examples: Vitamins and Minerals

§  The quantity of these nutrients depends on the

·       Age

·       Sex

·       Weight

·       Physical Activity

·       Health Status


·     Ingestion

o   Process in which food is taken inside the body

o   This ingested food is then move on to the next step

·     Digestion

o   Process during which

§  Complex

§  Non-diffusible

§  & Non-absorbable food substances are converted into

·       Simple

·       Diffusible

·       & Absorbable substances by the help of enzymes

·     Absorption

o   Process in which the simple substances get diffused into the blood

o   Then the absorbed food is now carried to each & every tissue cell of the body where it is assimilated

·     Assimilation

o   Process by which the protoplasm is synthesized into each cell of the body

o   It is done by utilizing simple food substances

·     Egestion

o   Process of the elimination of the indigestible food

o   It is carried out through alimentary canal


Good Dietary Practices

·       Eat a variety of vegetables (dark green, Red and Orange)

·       Eat a variety of fruits (2 or more serving a day)

·       Eat whole-grain, high-fibre breads and cereals (3-6 serving a day)

·       Drink fat free or low fat milk

·       Eat low fat dairy products


Healthy Eating Pyramid


Tips for Eating Healthy

·       Always eat breakfast

·       Eat your fruit & vegetables

·       Take time to shop each week

·       Walk for 10,000 steps

·       Exercise for an hour each day

·       Always carry a protein rich snack with you

·       Have green tea after every meal

·       Always carry a water bottle

·       Choose wholegrain, Low GI bread and breakfast cereal

·       Always eat carbohydrates and protein together

Video Description

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