Linear Programming


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·       In Mathematics, linear programming is a method of optimizing operations with some constraints.

·       The main objective of linear programming is to maximize or minimize the numerical value.

·        It consists of linear functions which are subjected to the constraints in the form of linear equations or in the form of inequalities. Linear programming is considered an important technique that is used to find the optimum resource utilization. The term “linear programming” consists of two words as linear and programming.

·       The word “linear” defines the relationship between multiple variables with degree one.

·       The word “programming” defines the process of selecting the best solution from various alternatives.

·       Linear Programming is widely used in Mathematics and some other fields such as economics, business, telecommunication, and manufacturing fields. In this article, let us discuss the definition of linear programming, its components, and different methods to solve linear programming problems.


  • Decision Variables
  • Constraints
  • Data
  • Objective Functions


·       Constraints – The limitations should be expressed in the mathematical form, regarding the resource.

·       Objective Function – In a problem, the objective function should be specified in a quantitative way.

·       Linearity – The relationship between two or more variables in the function must be linear. It means that the degree of the variable is one.

·       Finiteness – There should be finite and infinite input and output numbers. In case, if the function has infinite factors, the optimal solution is not feasible. 

·       Non-negativity – The variable value should be positive or zero. It should not be a negative value.

·       Decision Variables – The decision variable will decide the output. It gives the ultimate solution of the problem. For any problem, the first step is to identify the decision variables.


Linear Programming Simplex Method

The simplex method is one of the most popular methods to solve linear programming problems. It is an iterative process to get the feasible optimal solution. In this method, the value of the basic variable keeps transforming to obtain the maximum value for the objective function. The algorithm for linear programming simplex method is provided below:

Step 1: Establish a given problem. (i.e.,) write the inequality constraints and objective function.

Step 2: Convert the given inequalities to equations by adding the slack variable to each inequality expression.

Step 3: Create the initial simplex tableau. Write the objective function at the bottom row. Here, each inequality constraint appears in its own row. Now, we can represent the problem in the form of an augmented matrix, which is called the initial simplex tableau.

Step 4: Identify the greatest negative entry in the bottom row, which helps to identify the pivot column. The greatest negative entry in the bottom row defines the largest coefficient in the objective function, which will help us to increase the value of the objective function as fastest as possible.

Step 5: Compute the quotients. To calculate the quotient, we need to divide the entries in the far right column by the entries in the first column, excluding the bottom row. The smallest quotient identifies the row. The row identified in this step and the element identified in the step will be taken as the pivot element.

Step 6: Carry out pivoting to make all other entries in column is zero.

Step 7: If there are no negative entries in the bottom row, end the process. Otherwise, start from step 4.

Step 8: Finally, determine the solution associated with the final simplex tableau.

Graphical Method

·       The graphical method is used to optimize the two-variable linear programming.

·       If the problem has two decision variables, a graphical method is the best method to find the optimal solution.

·       In this method, the set of inequalities are subjected to constraints.

·       Then the inequalities are plotted in the XY plane.

·       Once, all the inequalities are plotted in the XY graph, the intersecting region will help to decide the feasible region.

·       The feasible region will provide the optimal solution as well as explains what all values our model can take. Let us see an example here and understand the concept of linear programming in a better way.

Linear Programming Applications

A real-time example would be considering the limitations of labors and materials and finding the best production levels for maximum profit in particular circumstances. It is part of a vital area of mathematics known as optimization techniques. The applications of LP in some other fields are

  • Engineering – It solves design and manufacturing problems as it is helpful for doing shape optimization
  • Efficient Manufacturing – To maximize profit, companies use linear expressions
  • Energy Industry – It provides methods to optimize the electric power system.
  • Transportation Optimization – For cost and time efficiency.

Importance of Linear Programming

·       Linear programming is broadly applied in the field of optimization for many reasons.

·        Many functional problems in operations analysis can be represented as linear programming problems.

·       Some special problems of linear programming are such as network flow queries and multi-commodity flow queries are deemed to be important to have produced much research on functional algorithms for their solution.


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