Kitchen Hygiene & Sanitation


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·       Kitchen Hygiene is the science and practice of maintaining good health through cleanliness

·       Kitchen is the most important place of a home

·       It’s a place for preparing and cooking food

·       On the other hand it’s a place that should be kept clean and germ free

·       Kitchen hygiene is the practice that can reduce the

o   Contamination of food

o   Transmission of bacteria



·     To raise the health standards

·     To prevent food spoilage

·     To inform and educate people about simple and practical methods of keeping food safe

·     To protect peoples from food borne diseases

·     To protect from food adulteration

·     To ensure the proper practice in food trade


Necessity of Kitchen Hygiene

·       Only a hygienic kitchen can eliminate dust and dirt

·       Unhygienic kitchen means less nutrition in meals

·       A hygienic kitchen leads to hygienic diet


Important Areas during Kitchen Cleaning

·       Clothes

·       Sponges

·       Counters

·       Under sink

·       Appliances

·       Food storage

·       Dustbin


Four C’s of Kitchen Hygiene

·       Contamination

·       Cooking

·       Chilling

·       Cleaning


Important Tips for Kitchen Hygiene

·       Wash your hands

·       Wash fruits and vegetables

·       Cleaning up

·       Avoid coughing

·       Trim your nails

·       Don’t forget the sink

·       Wear clean clothes

·       Don’t forget to tie your hairs

·       Always use clean utensils

·       Proper storage of food



·       It refers to the public health condition related to clean drinking water & adequate treatment

·       Kitchen Sanitation refers to the important steps we should take to prevent disease and thus promote our health like

o   Change  kitchen

§  Towels

§  Cloths

§  & Sponges every few day

o   Use of disinfectant for the floor cleaning

o   Store knives in a wooden block

o   Floor must be kept clean all the time

o   Store all food and utensils at least 6 inches off of the floor

o   All food must be obtained from approved sources



·       Raise the kitchen standards and hence Raise the health standards

·       Kitchen hygiene is the most important thing that should be considered while working in the kitchen

·       Sanitation and hygiene mainly attracts the customer, So we have to mainly focus on both these aspects.


Video Description

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