Food Adulteration Act 1954


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·       This act was passed in 1954 in the Indian parliament

·       Main objectives of this act is

o   To make provisions for the prevention of adulteration of food

o   To prevent

§  Import

§  Manufacture

§  Sale

§  & distribution of adulterated and misbranded foods

o   To prevent all types of food adulteration



·       Adulterated food means

o   Food that is not as per the

§  Nature

§  Quality

§  & Substance demanded by the purchaser

o   Food that contains a substance which effects injuriously the quality of foods

o   Inferior

o   Cheaper

o   Obtained from diseased animal

o   Prepared under insanitary conditions

o   Filthy, Rotten & Insect infested food

o   Falls below the prescribed standards

o   Contains prohibited preservatives

o   Having any poisonous ingredient


Administrative Bodies

·       Central Committee For Food Standards

o   Constituted by the Central Government

o   Give advice on all matters arising out under this act

o   Chairman of this committee is the “Director General of Medical and Health Service”

·       Central Food Laboratory

o   Established by Central Government

o   Have well experienced personnel

o   Well equipped in nature

o   They perform the analysis of samples sent by officers of the government

o   Collaborate with State laboratories for analysis & standardization

o   Fixed out the standards & quality control parameters for food articles

·       Public Analyst

o   Confirms out the authenticity of the sample

o   Carries out the analysis by using approved methods

o   Keeps the sample in safe custody

o   Records the findings in specified manner

o   Always in touch with Central food laboratories

·       Food Inspector

o   Inspect establishment for license for the

§  Manufacture

§  Storage

§  & Sale of food article

o   Make enquires on receipt of complaints about the quality of food

o   Procure the sample of food

o   Send the sample to food inspector

o   Investigate into matters

o   Maintain the record of inspection

o   The power of the food inspector are

§  Can prohibit the sale of food

§  Can stop the vehicles carrying adulterated food items

§  Can seize the sample of food

§  Can break open any package having adulterated food items


Video Description

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