Drug Purchasing & Storage


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·       Drug Purchase is an act of obtaining an article by making payment in terms of money or its equivalent, to buy for a price

·       Drug Storage means a storage facility under the control and maintenance of an organization

·       Purchasing of drugs involves the following aspects

o   Who Should Purchase Drugs?

§  A technical , trained & skilled pharmacist

§  In large hospitals, the purchasing officer & the pharmacist should work in collaboration to purchase the drugs

o   Role of Purchasing Officer in Drug Purchasing?

§  Purchasing officer’s role vary from small to large hospitals

§  In small hospitals

·       Purchasing functions may be a part time

·       Purchasing functions may be handled by the Administrator

·       Hospitals may have a person like storekeeper

§  In large hospitals

·       Purchasing function is a full time work

·       The duties of the purchasing officer are

o   Issuing purchase order

o   Maintaining purchase order

o   Follow up on the orders which are delayed

o   Obtaining quotations from specified sources

o   Role of a Pharmacist in Drug Purchasing

§  Direct purchase from the manufacturer/Whole seller

§  Inviting tenders from manufacturer & whole seller

§  Emergency purchases, from a local retail drug store

§  Contract purchase arrangements with manufacturers

o   Procedure of Drug Purchasing

§  Purchase request form

§  Quotation Invitation

§  Purchase order form

§  Return of Goods

·      Drug Storage

o  Drugs which are supplied to ward are stored in drug cupboards to give a uniform supply of drugs to the patients

o  Drugs are stocked in containers (on shelves & racks)

o  Drugs which are stored should remain preserved during their storage

o  There should be no damage due to high temperature or exposure to sunlight

o  The drugs are to be stored as per the prescribed conditions of their storage

o  Storage Format

§  According to their pharmacological action

§  Alphabetical order

o  Storage Aspects

§  Proper

§  Good environment

§  On flexible shelves

§  Proper storeroom

§  Good dispensary


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