Antioxidants & Metabolism


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o   These are the molecules that are capable of inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules

o   The reaction of oxidation can form free radicals

o   Free radicals starts the chain reactions and damage the cells

o   Antioxidants terminates these chain reactions by removing free radical intermediates

·       Functions

o   Boost our immune system

o   Effective in heart disease

o   Lowers the level of LDL

o   Prevent plaque deposition in blood vessels

o   Beneficial in cancer prevention

o   Neutralize substances that can damage the genetic material by oxidation

·       Benefits

o   Slow effect of aging on skin

o   Protect vision & eyes

o   Prevent stroke

o   Prevent cancer

o   Prevent cognitive decline




·     Introduction

o   It is the sum of the organism’s chemical reactions

o   It is an emergent property of life

o   It arises from the interactions between molecules within the cell

·     Types

o   Catabolism

§  Breaking down of complex molecules into simpler compounds releasing energy

§  It breaks down the complex molecules into simpler one

§  Its main purpose is to provide the energy and components needed for the anabolic reactions

o   Anabolism

§  Formation of complex molecules from simpler ones by consuming energy

§  It is the set of constructive metabolic processes

§  Energy released by catabolism is used to form the complex molecules

§  It involves three basic stages

·       Production of precursors like

o   Amino acids

o   Monosaccharide’s

o   Nucleotides

·       Activation of precursors into reactive forms by the energy from ATP

·       Assembly of these precursors into complex molecules such as

o   Proteins

o   Polysaccharide’s

o   Nucleic acids


 Video Description

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