Working Capital Management


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·       Working Capital can be defined as the firm’s holding of current or short term assets such as

o   Cash

o   Receivables

o   Inventory

o   Marketable securities

·       These items are also referred to as circulating capital

·       Working Capital Management is concerned with the problems that arise in attempting to manage the

o   Current assets 

o   Current liabilities

o   & interrelation s that exist between them


Classification & Concept of Working Capital

·       Classification

o   On the basis of Concept

§  Gross Working Capital

·       GWC refers to the firm’s total investment in current assets

·       Current assets are the assets which can be converted into cash within an accounting year like

o   Short term securities

o   Debtors

o   Stock

·       It focuses on the

o   Optimization of investment

o   Financing of current assets

§  Net Working Capital

·       NWC refers to the difference between current assets & current liabilities

·       Current liabilities are those claims of outsiders which are expected to mature for payment within an accounting year like

o   Creditors

o   Bills payable

o   Outstanding expenses

·       It focuses on the liquidity position of the firm

o   On the basis of Time

§  Permanent Working Capital

·       A minimum level of current assets, which is required by a firm to carry on its business operations

§  Temporary Working Capital

·       The extra working capital needed to support the changing production and sales activities of the firm

·       Concept

o   Balance Sheet Concept

§  There are two interpretations of working capital under the balance sheet concept

·       Excess of current assets over current liabilities

·       Gross or total current assets

o   Operating Cycle Concept

§  Operating cycle is the time duration required to convert sales, after the conversion of resources into cash

§  This cycle involves three phases

·       Acquisition of resources (like raw material, labor, power & fuel)

·       Manufacture of product (conversion of raw material into finished goods)

·       Sale of the product (for cash or on credit)


Determinants, Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Capital Management

·     Determinants

o   Nature of business

o   Size of the business

o   Production Policy

o   Seasonal variation

o   Credit policy

·     Advantages

o   Solvency of business

o   Goodwill

o   Easy loans

o   Cash discounts

o   Regular supply of raw material

·     Disadvantages

o   Cannot pay short term obligations in time

o   Loose of goodwill

o   Difficult to exploit favorable market condition

o   Difficult to pay day to day expenses of operations

o   Return on investment fall with the shortage of working capital


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