Training Needs Assessment


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee to do a particular job

·       Training Needs Assessment is the method of determining if a training need exists and, if it does, what training is required to fill the gap

·       It seeks to identify accurately the levels of the present situation in the

o   Target surveys

o   Interviews

o   Observation

·       The gap between the present status and desired status may indicate problems that in turn can be translated into a training need

·       Training Needs = [Desired Capability – Current capability of the participant]

·       In simple words it is the process of identification about a participant that

o   Where they are now?

o   Where they need to be?


Why do a TNA?

·       Provides information about the training & skills required for your employees

·       Identify the gap between current & required level of skills

·       Maximize the use of resources

·       Form the foundation of a training plan

·       Provide a baseline for the evaluation of a training plan

·       Identify what the general content of training should be

·       Ensure that appropriate & relevant training is delivered


Need & Methods of TNA

·       Need

o   Environmental change

o   Organizational complexity

o   Human relations

o   Change in job assignment

o   To match employee specifications with job requirements

·       Methods

o   On the Job

§  Job Rotation

§  Coaching

§  Job Instructions

§  Committee Assignments

§  Internship Training

o   Off the Job

§  Case Study

§  Incident method

§  Role Play

§  Lectures

§  Business Games

§  Simulation

§  Conferences


Video Description

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