Theory of Production


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·       Production Theory is the study of production

·       In other words we can say that it is the study of economic process of converting inputs into outputs

·       For an example

o   Inputs

§  Land

§  Labour

§  Capital

o   Outputs

§  Cars

§  Houses

§  Food

·       The process of production includes

o   Raw material

o   Production line cutting

o   Production line sewing

o   Finished goods warehouse


Product Function and Factors of Production

·       Product Function

o   It is the functional relationship between Inputs & Outputs

o   It connects factors inputs used in the production function and the level of outputs

o   Q=f (L,K)

§  Q (Output)

§  L (Labour)

§  K (Capital)

·       Factors of Production

o   Land

§  Part of the earth’s surface that is not covered by the water and used in business production

o   Labour

§  Aggregate of all human physical & mental efforts used in the creation of goods

o   Capital

§  Financial assets such as Cash, Machinery etc

o   Organization

§  Arrangement of people in a specific place for specific purpose during a period of time


Types, Concept of Production and Conclusion

·       Types of Production

o   Short Run

§  In this type the Land, Capital and Organization are fixed while the Labour is variable

§  Its time period is one year or less

§  Example can be the Seasonal industry like Ice factory

o   Long Run

§  In this type all factors of production are variable

§  Its time period is more than one year

§  Example can be the Textile industry

·       Concepts of Production

o   Total Product

§  It is the total output produced by employing all units of inputs

§  T.P = (Output units produced/Input used)

o   Marginal Product

§  Net addition to the total product by employing an additional unit of input

§  MPL = (dTP/dL)

o   Average Product

§  Output per unit of input is called average product

§  APL = (TP/L)

·       Conclusion

o   Production theory play a vital role in the success of any organization

o   It helps in pricing of product

o   It tells us about the cost of factors of production


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