Theory of Pricing


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·       Theory of pricing is an economic theory which states that the price for any specific good is based on the relationship between the forces of supply and demand

·       It also states that the point at which the benefit gained from those who demand the entity meets the seller’s marginal costs is the most optimal market price for the good

·       According to this theory a perfect competitive market must meet the below mentioned requirements

o   Number of firms is large

o   No barriers to entry

o   Firm’s products are identical

o   Availability of complete information

o   Profit maximizers

·       This theory defines two different situation of a market

o   Monopoly

§  A situation of market in which there is a single seller of a product

§  Example can be the presence of a single firm dealing in the sale of cooking gas in a particular town

§  In this situation there is only one producer of a commodity with no close substitutes

§  The characteristics of monopolistic competition are

·       Numerous participants

·       Freedom of exit & entry

·       Heterogeneous products

·       Selling cost

·       Imperfect knowledge

o   Oligopoly

§  A state of limited competition in which a market is shared by a small number of producers/sellers

§  Example can be the Auto industry and Cigarette industry

§  The characteristics of Oligopolistic competition are

·       Few firms

·       Substantial barriers to entry

·       Price rigidity

·       Positive profits

·       Price leadership


Types of Pricing

·       Cost Plus Pricing

o   The selling price is found out by adding a certain % mark-up to the average variable cost

o   The mark-up Or Contribution Margin contributes towards fixed cost and profit

o   Price = AVC + CM

o   It ignores the influence of demand on price

o   It helps in fixing a fair price

o   Cost is considered as the main factor influencing price

·       Marginal Cost Pricing

o   The prices are fixed on the basis of marginal cost

o   Fixed costs are ignored and only those costs that are directly attributable to product are taken

o   It is a short-run phenomenon

o   It is generally adopted when the product is introduced in a new market

o   It helps to ascertain the changes in cost due to pricing decision

o   It helps to increase marginal physical productivity and thereby reducing cost

·       Going Rate Pricing

o   Product is priced as per the rates prevailing in the market especially on par with the competitors

o   It helps to avoid price wars

o   Most of the motor bike companies followed the price of Bajaj and brought out bike variants accordingly

o   It helps to control the cost of production

·       Product Line Pricing

o   A product line is a group of products produced by a firm that are related either as a complement or substitute

o   The products may be physically same or different but sold under different demand conditions which give the seller a chance to charge different prices

o   It is based on the competitive situation and demand elasticity’s of each product

·       Price Skimming

o   When a new product is introduced in the market, the firm fixes a price much higher than the cost of production in absence of the competitors

o    Consumers are ready to pay a high price to enjoy the pleasure of being the first users of the product

o   After certain time, it will gain a huge profit as well

·       Penetration Pricing

o   The price fixed is relatively a low one

o   It is adopted when the new product faces a strong competition from the existing substitute products

o   The new firm has to penetrate the market, so it will charge only a very low price initially, hoping to charge a normal price later when it is established in the market

o   The penetration price sometimes below the cost of production  


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