Stakeholder Analysis


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·       Stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the firm’s objectives

·       Basically the stakeholders are of three types

o   Primary stakeholders

§  Owners

§  Customers

§  Employees

§  Suppliers

o   Secondary stakeholders

§  Media

§  Consumers

§  Courts

§  Government

§  Competitors

o   Key stakeholders

·       Who can belongs to both the above groups

·       Customer/Consumer

·       They have significant influence upon an organization

·       Stakeholder Analysis

o   It is a process of systematically gathering and analyzing the qualitative information to determine whose interests should be taken into account when developing a policy or program

o   It focuses the enterprise’s attention and moral decision making process on external events


Objectives, Need, Intention and Methodology of Stakeholder Analysis

·       Objectives

o   To identify the major groups or individuals who are directly or indirectly involves/affect in enterprise development

o   To identify the concern groups or individuals related to the enterprise

o   To prioritized the identified group s by their power & interest

o   To understand the stakeholders by their responsibilities

·       Need

o   To decide who to contact and how to contact them

o   To create a database that will be useful for the enterprise and for future program

o   To obtain suggestions for other stakeholders

o   To obtain stakeholders information

o   To reach a successful enterprise outcome

·       Intention

o   Identification of enterprise goals

o   Preparation of action plan

o   Decision process

o   Ambassador activities

o   Information strategy

o   Identification of interests

o   Performance

o   Financing

o   Resources

·       Methodology

o   Secondary source of information was used to collect the required information

o   Relevant information for this term paper has been explored through different websites

o   Collected information was analyzed with the help of simple data analysis tools


Stages in Stakeholder Analysis

·       Identify the Stakeholders

o   Think about all the groups or peoples

§  Who are affected by the enterprise

§  Who have influence or power over it

§  Who have an interest in its successful or unsuccessful conclusion

o   Possible stake holders can be

§  Local government

§  CEO’s

§  Board Members

§  Investors

§  Unions

§  Media

§  Press

§  Leaders

§  Neighbours

§  Unions

§  Lobbies

·       Prioritize the Stakeholders by their power & interest

o   From the above list of stakeholders prioritize them by their power either in a manner

§  High power & Interested people

§  High power & less interested people

§  Low power & Interested people

§  Low power & Less interested people

·       Understand Key Stakeholders by their responsibilities

o   We need to know how they are likely to feel about and react to the enterprise

o   We also need to know

§  How best to engage them in the enterprise?

§  How best to communicate with them?

o   Key questions to understand you stakeholders are

§  What financial or emotional interest do they have?

§  What motivates those most of all?

§  What information do they want from you?

§  How do they want to receive information from you?

§  What is the best way of communicating your message to them?


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