Situation Analysis


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·       Situation Analysis is the systematic collection and study of past & present data to identify

o   Trends

o   Forces

o   & conditions with the potential to influence the performance of the business & the choice of appropriate strategies

·       Example can be the

o   Description & analysis the health status & health services of an area

o   Assess the extent to which health services address health needs

o   Identifying factors facilitating or preventing progress of health

o   Prioritises problems and needs so the plans and strategies can address them



·       First step of a Planning cycle

·       Effective management tool

·       Consider both positive/negative potential outcomes

·       Forecast changes both internal & external

·       Refreshers strategy & tactics of your marketing

·       Compiles analyses & evaluate influences

·       Applied to all types of hospitals

·       Identifies gaps in healthcare system

·       Understanding where you are today is the fundamental to achieve your future goals


How to conduct?

·       Determine a framework

·       Identify what information is already available

·       Identify what information is still required

·       Collect the required information

·       Compile and write the report

·       Distribute & disseminate the report



·       The 5Cs Analysis

o   Company

§  Objectives

§  Strategy

§  Capabilities

§  Mission

§  Goals

§  Current position

o   Competitors

§  Position, Goal, Mission, Strategy & Resources

§  Capability in industry & potential threats

§  Identify Direct, Indirect and new entrants

o   Customers

§  Understand needs

·       Size

·       Potential

·       Demand

§  Advertising

§  Motivation

o   Collaborators

§  Commitment

§  Agency

§  Suppliers

§  Distributors

§  Assets

§  Liabilities

o   Climate

§  Political & legal

§  Economic

§  Socio cultural

§  Global & Technological

·       The SWOT Analysis

o   Strengths (Positive factors)

o   Weaknesses (Negative factors)

o   Opportunities (Positive factors)

o   Threats (Negative factors)

o   Let’s understand it with the help of an example and i.e SWOT analysis of a Rural Health Centre

§  Strengths

·       Strong Commitment

·       Availability of funds

·       Central Location

§  Weaknesses

·       No salary

·       Increased patient load

·       Outdated equipment & technology

§  Opportunities

·       Participation of local leaders

·       Improved safety system

·       Strong referral system

§  Threats

·       Workforce strike

·       Patient prefer private nursing homes

·       Competitors has latest technology


Video Description

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