Profitability Analysis


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·       Profit

o   Means the compensation received by a firm for its managerial function

o   Can be looked as a reward for true entrepreneurial function

o   Is the reward earned by the entrepreneur for nearing the risk

·       Profit Analysis

o   Is a form of cost accounting used for elementary instruction and short run decisions

o   Widens the use of info provided by breakeven analysis

o   Help to find out the Breakeven point where

§  Total revenue = Total cost

Applications, Method, Limitations and Policies of Profit Analysis

·       Applications

o   To calculate the breakeven analysis

o   To calculate the target income sales

o   To analyze the short run trade-offs in operational decisions

·       Method

o   Profit Volume Ratio

§  This is calculated by dividing the shareholders contribution by the sales and then multiplying it by 100 as follows

§  PVR = (SC/Sales)*100

§  Here

·       PVR = Profit Volume Ration

·       SC= Shareholders Contribution

·       Limitations

o   Short run

o   Presumes the unit variable costs and the unit revenues to be constant

o   Presumes a neat division between variable costs and fixed costs

·       Policies

o   Industry Leadership

o   Restricting the Entry

o   Political Impact

o   Consumer Goodwill

o   Wage Consideration

o   Liquidity Preference

o   Avoid Risk


Video Description

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