Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 1994


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·       The main objectives of this Act are

o   To Prohibit the sex selection (before or after conception)

o   To regulate pre-natal diagnostic techniques for detecting

§  Genetic disorders

§  Metabolic disorders

§  Chromosomal abnormalities

§  Congenital malformations

§  Sex-linked disorders

o   To prevent the misuse of such techniques for the purpose of sex determination of female foeticide


Prenatal Diagnostic Tests

·       Ultrasonography (USG) Test of

o   Amniotic fluid

o   Chorionic villi

o   Blood

o   Any tissue

o   Fluid

·       To Detect

o   Genetic disorders

o   Metabolic disorders

o   Chromosomal abnormalities

o   Congenital malformations

o   Sex-linked disorders


Sex Selection and Regulations Genetic Counselling Centre

·       Sex Selection

o   It includes

§  Procedure

§  Technique

§  Test

§  Administration

§  Prescription

§  Provision for the purpose of ensuring the probability that an embryo will be of a particular sex

o   Regulations of GCC

§  No GCC, Laboratory or Clinic; unless registered

·       Can conduct, associate or help in conducting activities related to PNDT

·       Can employ or take services of any person who does not possess qualifications as per the PNDT Act


Conditions to Conduct PNDT

·       To detect the

o   Genetic disorders

o   Metabolic disorders

o   Chromosomal abnormalities

o   Congenital malformations

o   Sex-linked disorders

·       When pregnant women

o   Has undergone spontaneous abortions or foetal loss

o   Has been exposed to potentially teratogenic agents such as

§  Radiations

§  Drugs

§  Infections

§  Chemicals

o   Her spouse has a family history of mental retardation etc.

·       Explained all known side effects to the pregnant women

·       Obtained her written consent


Prohibitions, Offences & Penalties of PNDT Act

·       Prohibitions

o   Without registration, no person will open any

§  GCC

§  Laboratory

§  Or Clinic having any technology that is capable

·       To determine the foetus sex

·       In Sex selection

o   No person including relatives of pregnant women will seek or encourage the conduct of PNDT except for medical reasons

o   No person including the person conducting PNDT will communicate to the pregnant women or her relatives about the Sex of the foetus by words, signs or in any other manner

o   No person will

§  Issue

§  Publish

§  Distribute

§  Or communicate any advertisement regarding to the PNDT by any means

·       Offences & Penalties

o   A person acts contrary to the prohibitions listed in the act (3yrs Imprisonment & Rs 10,000 Fine)

o   A person seeking the aid for sex selection (3yrs Imprisonment & Rs 50,000 Fine)

o   A doctor giving the id for sex selection (Suspension of the registration for 5 years in 1st offence and permanently on subsequent offence)



Video Description

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