Performance Appraisal


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·       Performance Appraisal is a systematic & periodic rating of an employee excellence in matters pertaining to

o   His present job

o   His potentialities for a better job

·       It is the record of progress for employees and act as a guide in making

o   Promotions

o   Transfers

o   Demotions

o   Bonus distribution



·       To determine the effectiveness of employees on their present job

·       To decide employee benefits

·       To identify the shortcomings of employees

·       Systemic guidance and training

·       To find out employee potential for the promotion



·       To take decision about the increment

·       To improve the quality of an employee

·       To provide adequate facilities for effective performance

·       To minimize the communication gap

·       To decide about the demotion of an employee



·       Should be in writing

·       Carried at least once a year

·       Appraisal information should be shared with the employee

·       Employee should have the opportunity to respond the appraisal

·       Manager should have adequate opportunity to observe the employees

·       Evaluator should be trained to carry out the appraisal

·       Appraisal should focus on employee behavior & results rather than on personal traits or characteristics


Methods of Performance Appraisal

·       Traditional Methods

o   Ranking method

o   Paired comparison

o   Grading

o   Checklist method

o   Essay method

o   Field review method

·       Modern Methods

o   Management by objectives (MBO)

o   Behavioral Rating Scales

o   Assessment Centers

o   360 degree appraisal

o   Cost accounting method



·       Establishing performance standards

·       Communicating the standards

·       Measuring the actual performance

·       Comparing the actual performance with the desired performance

·       Discussing the results

·       Decision making


Video Description

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