Non-Government Organization (NGOs)


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       A NGO is any

o   Non-profit

o   & Voluntary citizens group which is legally

§  Constituted

§  Organized

§  & Operated on a

·       Local

·       National

·       & International level

·       They are task oriented and driven by people with a common interest like

o   Human Rights

o   Environment

o   Health

o   Poverty Eradication

o   Rehabilitation

o   Employment


Classification, Features, Activities and Functions of NGOs

·       Classification

o   By the level of Orientation

§  Charitable

§  Service

§  Participatory

§  Empowering

o   By the level of Operation

§  Community Based

§  City Wide

§  National NGOs

§  International NGOs

·       Features

o   Support democratic system

o   Function on non-profit basis

o   Non political in character

o   Defined objectives

o   Voluntary character

o   Wide operation area

o   Positive contribution

o   Need financial support

·       Activities

o   Create awareness

o   Protect human rights

o   Encourage rehabilitation

o   Gainful employment

o   Combat man made crisis

o   Protect environment

·       Functions

o   Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP)

o   Counselling

o   Infrastructure Development

o   Supporting Innovation

o   Supporting Pilot Projects

o   Construction of Housing Facilities

o   Providing Technical Assistance


Advantages, Disadvantages, Responsibilities and Challenges to NGOs

·       Advantages

o   Ability to experiment freely

o   Flexible in adapting to local needs

o   Enjoy good rapport with people

o   Ability to communicate at all levels

o   Ability to recruit experts

o   Less restriction from government

·       Disadvantages

o   Lack of funds

o   Lack of dedicated leadership

o   Inadequate trained personnel

o   Misuse of funds

o   Monopolization of leadership

o   Lack of public participation

o   Lack of coordination

·       Responsibilities

o   Act as a change agent

o   Environment

o   Safeguarding human rights

o   Representatives of weaker sections

·       Challenges

o   Need for honest & dedicated persons

o   Need for transparency to create confidence

o   Proper personnel policy

o   Protect the interest of people rather than members

o   Easy to operate mechanism


Video Description

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