Morbidity & Mortality Statistics


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  • Morbidity
    • Morbidity can be easily defined as the "any departure from a state of physiological well-being" means sickness, illness, disability etc. It can be measured in terms of two aspects and that are
      • Incidence

It can be defined as the number of new cases of a particular disease in a defined population during a specific period of time.

=    No. of new cases of  malaria during one year x 1000

Total population at risk during the same period


·        Prevalence

It refers to the all current cases (old + new) existing at  given period of time in a given population.


=    No. of old and new cases of malaria during one year x 1000

Total population at risk during the same period

·       Mortality

  • Crude death rate

It can be defined as the number of deaths from all causes per 1000 estimated mid year population in one year, in a given place

=    No. of deaths during one year x 1000

Mid year population


  • Specific death rate

It can be defined as an analysis that helps to calculate the death rate in terms of a specific disease, age group, sex etc.

=    No. of deaths due to malaria during one year x 1000

Mid year population


  • Proportional mortality rate/ratio

It helps to know that what proportion of total deaths are due to a specific cause or in a specific age group.

=    No. of deaths due to malaria during one year x 100

Total no. of deaths during the same period


  • Case fatality rate

It helps to know that how much number of cases dies from a specific disease? in other other words how much the disease is fatal in nature?

=    No. of deaths due to malaria during one year x 100

Total no. of malaria cases during the same period


  • Survival rate

It helps to know that how much number of cases survive from a specific disease over a specific period of time.

=    No. of Cancer patients alive at the end of 5 year x 100

Total no. of Cancer patients


  • Standardized mortality ratio

SMR =    Observed deaths x 100

      Expected deaths


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