Medical Jurisprudence


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·       In general

o   Medical (Medicine)

o   Juris (Law)

o   Prudentia (Knowledge)

·       Hence, the Medical Jurisprudence can be defined as the knowledge of Law in relation

o   To practice of medicine

§  Doctor - Patient relationship

§  Doctor – Doctor relationship

§  Doctor – State relationship

o   With legal consequences

§  Affidavit, Crime & Complaint

§  Deposition, Document & Evidence

§  Fact, Hurt & Injury

§  Oath, Testimony & Summons


Ethical Aspects of Medical Practice

·       Ethics:- Manner and habit of man relates to understanding of moral principles

·       Medical Etiquette:- Sense of Courtesy and mutual relationship between members of Medical Profession

·       Qualified & Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP)

o   Realise his responsibility to the society

o  Allowed to use knife on the body & toxic medicines on his patient


Duties and Rights of a RMP & Patients

·       Duties of a RMP

o   Not to criticize colleague

o   Never take extra fees

o   Always help

o   Duties with regards to consultation

o   Notify certain diseases

o   Uniform vital events

o   Regarding MLCs

·       Duties of a Patient

o   Gives all information related to health

o   Follow doctors instruction

o   Should pay fee

o   Have faith in doctor

o   Not contribute to medical negligence

o   Cooperate in treatment schedules & investigations

·       Rights of a RMP

o   Right

§  To practice medicine

§  To choose patients

§  To prescribe medicines

§  To add professional titles

§  To perform surgical operations

§  To issue certificate

§  To give evidence as an expert

·       Rights of a Patient

o   Right

§  To choose doctor

§  To access healthcare facilities

§  To be treated with dignity, care & respect

§  To have confidentiality

§  To seek second opinion

§  To receive full information about his diagnosis

§  To demand for medical record

§  To complain


Legal Aspects of Medical Practice

·       Bio Medical Waste Rules 1998

·       Consumer Protection Act 1986

·       Drugs & Cosmetic Act 1940

·       ESI Act 1948

·       Indian Medical Council Act 1916

·       Maternity Benefit Act 1961

·       MTP Act 1971

·       PNTD Act 1994


Doctor and Medical Records

·       Medical Record Needed for Patients for

o   Medical negligence cases

o   Life insurance policy

o   Proof of disability

o   MLC

o   Traffic Accidents

·       Medical Record Needed for Doctors for

o   Medical research

o   Cost accounting

o   Evaluation of drug therapy

o   Legal purpose

o   Hospital Audit

·       Components of a Medical Record

o   OPD cards

o   IPD cards

o   Diagnosis details

o   Treatment record

o   X-Ray

o   USG

o   MRI

o   Discharge summary


Video Description

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