Medical Ethics


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·       Ethics are the civil code of behavior considered correct by the members of the profession for the good

·       Medical Ethics refers to the system of values common to the medical profession and application of these values to the practice of medicine

·       In other words you can say that it is the standards of behavior by which physician evaluate their relationship with their

o   Patients

o   Colleagues

o   & Society


Goals, Scope and Components of Medical Ethics

·       Goals

o   To improve the quality of medical care

o   To resolve the ethical problems arises in practice by

§  Identifying

§  Analyzing

§  & Attempting to resolve them

o   To express

§  Law

§  Policies

§  Practices

§  Obligations

§  & Standards of care

·       Scope

o   Development of ethical codes

o   Promotion of ethical practices

o   Prevention of ethical breaches

o   Recognition of ethical dilemmas

o   Resolution of ethical conflicts

·       Components

o   Physician-Patient relationship

o   Physician-Physician relationship

o   Physician-Healthcare system relationship

o   Physician-Society relationship


Principles of Medical Ethics

·       Autonomy

o   Patient has freedom of

§  Thought

§  Intention

§  & Action when making decisions regarding healthcare procedures

o   Patient must understand all risks & benefits of the procedure

·       Beneficence

o   Practitioner should act in the best interest of the patient

o   Patient welfare is the first consideration

·       Confidentiality

o   Based on loyalty & trust

o   Maintain the confidentiality of all personal

§  Medical information

§  Treatment information

o   Information to be revealed for the benefit of the patient and when ethically required

·       Equity & Justice

o   Fair & equal distribution of scarce healthcare resources

o   Burdens & benefits of new experimental treatments must be distributed equally among all groups in society

·       Non-Malfeasance

o   Make sure that the procedure does not harm

§  The patient

§  & the society


Video Description

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