Managerial Economics



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·       Managerial Economics is the application of economics theory and methodology to the business administration practices

·       The basic characteristics of managerial economics are

o   It involves the application of economic theory like “Micro Economic Analysis”

o   It is a science as well as an art facilitating better managerial discipline

o   It concerned with the firm’s behaviour in optimum allocation of resources

o   It provide tools to identify the best alternative


Scope of Managerial Economics

·     Demand Analysis

o   Managerial economics serves as a guide to management for maintaining the market position and enlarging profits by

§  Transforming productive resources into goods

§  Accurate estimation of demand

§  Forecasting future sales

·     Cost Analysis

o   Cost analysis is the study of economic costs by the help of data drawn from the firm’s accounting records

o   It yields significant cost estimates that are useful for management decisions

·     Production & Supply Analysis

o   Production analysis proceeds in physical terms

o   It deals with the various production functions & their managerial uses

o   Supply analysis deals with the various aspects of supply of a commodity

o   The important aspects of supply analysis are

§  Supply schedule

§  Curves & Function

§  Law of supply & it’s limitations

§  Elasticity of supply

·     Pricing Decision Policies & Practices

o   An important area of managerial economics

o   Prices is the genesis of the revenue of a firm & success of a business firm

o   It deals with the areas like

§  Price determination

§  Pricing methods

§  Differential pricing

§  Product line pricing

§  & Price forecasting

·     Profit Management

o   The first idea to establish a firm is profit

o   In log run the profit provides the chief measure of success

o   The perfect knowledge of future makes the profit analysis very easy

·     Capital Management

o   It involves the planning & control of capital expenditure

o   The most troublesome for a manager is the capital investment

o   Its a matter of top level decision and requires considerable time & labour


Tools of Managerial Economics

·       Incremental Principle (decision is said to be rational if the given firm has a objective of profit maximization)

·       Equi-marginal Principle (a consumer will reach the stage of equilibrium when the marginal utilities of various commodities he/she consumes are equal)

·       Opportunity Cost Principle (minimum price that would be necessary to retain a factor-service in it’s given use)

·       Time Perspective Principle (a manager should give due emphasis on both short & long term impact of his decision)

·       Discounting Principle (if a decision affects costs & revenues in long-run than all those costs & revenues must be discounted to present values before valid comparison of alternatives is possible)


Roles & Responsibilities of a Managerial Economist

·       Studies the economic pattern at macro level

·       Consistently examine the probabilities of transforming an ever changing economic environment into profitable business avenues

·       Carries cost benefit analysis

·       Assists the business planning process of a firm

·       Conduct a detailed research on industrial market


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