Management Accounting


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·       Management Accounting is a profession that involves

o   Partnering in management decision making

o   Devising planning & performance management systems

o   Providing expertise in financial reporting and control

·       In simple words it is the decision making process through planning and controlling operations

o   Planning occurs in the budgeting process

o   Controlling occurs to compare the actual performance with budget amount

·       In a more simple language Management accounting is the process which involves

o   Identifying

o   Measuring

o   Analyzing

o   Interpreting

o   & Communicating information


Responsibilities of a Manager in Managerial Accounting

·     Planning

o   Setting goals & objectives

o   How to achieve goals & objectives?

o   Examples can be the

§  Generate more sales by opening new stores

§  Reduce labor costs by reducing store hours

·     Directing

o   Overseeing company’s day to day operations

o   Delegate roles & responsibilities

o   Motivate & inspire the subordinates

o   Examples can be the

§  Using daily sales reports to adjust marketing strategy

§  Using product cost reports to adjust raw material usage

·     Controlling

o   Evaluation results of operations against plans and making adjustments as needed

o   Measuring & comparing performance

o   Examples can be the

§  Comparing budgeted sales with actual sales to take corrective actions

§  Comparing budgeted product costs against actual product costs to take corrective actions

·     Decision Making

o   Management is continually making decisions while it plans, directs and controls operations

o   Examples can be the

§  Price setting

§  Product offering

§  Renovation of facilities

§  Operation openings or closings


Characteristics, Scope, Objectives and Functions

·     Characteristics

o   Reporting to managers and internal personnel

o   Tailored to specific decision making tasks

o   Focused on

§  Products

§  Departments

§  Activities

o   Often uses real time data for quick responses

o   Forecasted outcomes for planning

·     Scope

o   Financial Accounting (Provides historical information useful for the financial forecasting)

o   Cost Accounting (Provides various techniques of costing for planning & decision making)

o   Forecasting & Budgeting (Used the forecasting & budgeting tool in the process of decision making)

o   Tax accounting & Tax planning (Analysis of implication of tax provisions on future projects)

·     Objectives

o   Presentation of data

o   Aid of planning & forecasting

o   Help in organization

o   Decision making

o   Effective control

·     Functions

o   Communication

o   Incorporation

o   Coordination

o   Motivating employees


Tools and Techniques

·     Financial Policy and Accounting

o   Firms has to take decisions about sources of raising funds

o   Issue of share capital

o   Raising of loans

o   Decision on the proportion between share capital and loans

o   Financial planning

·     Analysis of Financial Statements

o   Classify and Present the financial data

o   Analysis of

§  Financial statements

§   Fund flow statements

§  Trend analysis

·     Historical Cost Accounting

o   Price of an asset on the balance sheet on the basis of actual cost when acquired by the company

o   Actual cost is compared with standard cost to get an idea about performance of the concern

·     Budgetary Control

o   System which uses budgets as a tool for planning and control

o   Budget should be prepared in advance

o   Actual performance is compared with the predetermined targets

o   It helps to assess the performance of each and every persons in the organization

·     Standard Costing

o   Costs are determined in advance

o   Actual cost are recorded and compared with the standard costs

o   Variance are analyzed

o   It helps to enhance the efficiency of the concern

·     Marginal Costing

o   This method is concerned with the changes in cost resulting from changes in the volume of production

o   It helps to measure the profitability of

§  Different lines of production

§  Different departments

§  Divisions of an enterprise

·     Decision Accounting

o   It is an important work of management

o   It involves a choice from various alternatives

o   Calculates financial implications of each alternative course of action and helps management to select best course of action

·     Revaluation Accounting

o   Also known as replacement accounting

o   It is used to denote the methods employed for overcoming the problems connected with fixed asset replacement in a period of rising prices

·     Control Accounting

o   These are the methods & procedures that are implemented by a firm to help ensure the validity and accuracy of its own financial statements

o   In controlling accounting we can use

§  Internal check

§  Internal audit

§  Statutory audit

·     Management Information System

o   It is a computerized database of financial information organized and programmed in such a way that it produces regular reports on operations for every level of management in a company

o   Data planning is supplied to management

o   Feedbacks are received


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