Employees Rules & Regulations


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       The requirement of rules & regulations for an employee is to allow

o   Guidance

o   Compliance

o   & full understanding of all operating procedures enabling & ensuring that each employee have clear & fair directions

·       The conditions, operations & procedure on which am organization operates are

o   Equal opportunity

o   Health & Safety

o   Disciplinary & Grievances procedure


Rules & Regulations

·       Personal & Personnel Records

o   Organization must have to keep personal & personnel records in accordance with data protection rulings

o   Record of both the employer & employee may be open for inspection

·       Equal Opportunity Statement  

o   Organization must comply in every manner with equal opportunities to ensure fair success in practiced for all employees

o   The document is stored in the shared documents folder located on the desktop of every department

·       Health & Safety Statement

o   It is the responsibility of organization & employees to ensure that the organization health & safety policy procedures & applications are maintained and updated in accordance with the government

o   The document is stored in the shared documents folder located on the desktop of every department

·       Disciplinary & Grievance Procedure

o   The organization must ensure that a formal grievance procedure is installed, displayed & implemented

o   The document is stored in the shared documents folder located on the desktop of every department

·       Personal Property

o   It is the responsibility of all staff to secure their belongings at all times

o   The organization cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to the personal property

o   Personal items should not be left unattended on the organization’s premises at any time

·       Personal Telephone Calls

o   Telephones are provided for the essential aspects of the business operations

o   Regular occurrence of misuse may be charged

o   Please ask to your family, friends and acquaintances not to contact you via the organization ‘s office except in an emergency situation

·       E-mail and Internet

o   Each employee will be allocated an e-mail address upon the commencement of employment

o   The purpose of this is to provide a simple and efficient means of communication between

§  Employees

§  Co-workers

§  & management

o   Employees should ensure they check their inbox at the commencement of each shift and reply promptly to any message

o   Internet access is intended for business use only

o   Employees should not access to Chat Rooms or Gaming sites

·       Political –Religious Activity

o   Under no circumstances any staff member participate or encourage political or religious activity whilst on organization premises

o   Or undertaking activities on behalf of the organization

·       Dress & Manner

o   The expectation of the organization is that every representative will present themselves in an appropriate manner to meet with

§  Employer

§  Colleague

§  & Customer expectations

o   A casual dress code can be acceptable but business image, personal hygiene & inoffensive dress sense should be priority

·       Personal Harassment

o   It is the responsibility of every organization to protect their employees from

§  Bullying

§  Harassment

§  Intimidation

§  & Threatening

o   Any incidence of such will be reported to the management and the grievance procedure will be activated

o   Investigation by the management will be recorded

·       Confidentiality

o   Employees information is private & confidential

o   Under no circumstances should contact information be given to any third party without the express permission of the person concerned

·       Handling Cash

o   A receipt written detailing the

§  Date

§  Name of payee

§  Amount

§  & purpose of payment

o   The top copy to be handed to the payee and bottom copy retained in the recipient book

o   If you take any cash out to pay for good/services on behalf of organization then a detailed note of the date, amount and purpose should be given with the bills

·       Absence

o   A written information must be shared for the leave

o   The written application can be shared through

§  Email

§  Text

§  Or on phone call

·       Time keeping

o   It is expected from all the employee that they will reach on time

o   Late coming continuation for 3 days will be count as an absent for a day

·       Bonus Payments

o   Overtime should be given

o   Increment after every 1 year

o   The range of the increment must be 8% to 10%

·       Smoking

o   Under no circumstances must you smoke at any place in the organization

o   Smoking outside the premises is allowed

o   Dispose matches/cigarettes end in a sensible and ecological manner


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