Decision Making


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·       Decision is a choice made between two or more available alternatives

·       Decision making is the process of choosing the best alternative to reach the objective

·       The factors that makes the decision making effective are

o   Perception & Priority

o   Acceptability & Risk

o   Resources & Goals

o   Values & Demands

o   Style & Judgement


Six C’s, Types, Characteristics and Phases of Decision Making

·       Six C’s

o   Construct

o   Compile

o   Collect

o   Compare

o   Consider

o   Commit

·       Types

o   Basic Decision Making

o   Administrative Decision Making

o   Organizational Decision Making

o   Policy Decision Making

o   Individual & Group Decision Making

o   Routine Decision Making

o   Adaptive Decision Making

·       Characteristics

o   Process of choice

o   A human process

o   Rational in nature

o   Proceeded by deliberation

o   It is an end process

·       Phases

o   Intelligent Activity

o   Design Activity

o   Choice Activity


Principles, Techniques and Process of Decision Making

·       Principles

o   Autonomy

o   Beneficence

o   Paternalism

o   Utility

o   Justice

·       Techniques

o   Intuition (decision by inner feelings)

o   Facts (decision on the basis of facts)

o   Experience (decision on the basis of past experience)

o   Operating research (decision on the basis of scientific basis)

o   Values (decision on the basis of values of one’s)

·       Process


 Video Description

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