Corporate Hospitals


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·       On the basis of Ownership, the hospitals can be classified as

o   Government Hospitals

o   Trust Hospitals

o   Corporate Hospitals

·       Corporate Hospitals are those hospitals that are based only on Profit

·       Indian healthcare industry is expected to grow up to $400 billion by 2030

·       The reason for the growth of corporate players is entering in hospital services

·       The result is growing trend of corporate hospital in metros and even in non-metro cities

·       Corporate hospitals have totally changed the healthcare delivery system & captured the major tertiary care market


Aspects and Tools of Corporate Hospitals

·       Aspects

o   Revenue generation

o   Quality

o   Competition

o   Branding

o   Balance between Demand & Supply

o   Potential Medical Tourism

·       Tools

o   Intensive Marketing

o   Powerful Brand Promotion

o   Hiring Best Human Resources

o   Intensive Expansion

o   Accepting Health Insurances

o   Technology

o   NRI Doctors


Key Players, Strategy and Conclusion of Corporate Hospitals

·       Key Players

o   Apollo Hospitals

o   Max Healthcare

o   Fortis

o   Global Hospitals

o   Medica Synergy etc

·       Strategy

o   Franchise Model

o   Contract Management

o   Attracting Health Insurances

o   Doctor can choose their own talent pool

o   Fishing Trips

o   Admission privileges

o   Senior consultants on full time basis

·       Conclusion

o   There is a sea change in which peoples are now choosing their healthcare providers

o   Corporate hospitals are fulfilling there need along with commercializing healthcare delivery system


Video Description

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