Consumer Protection Act 1986


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·       Consumer refers to any individual that use the goods & services

·       Example can be the buying of Apple by Simran for Abdulla and he ate it, both Simran & Abdulla are treated as a consumers

·       The main reasons for protecting a consumers are

o   Collective Bargaining

o   Multiple Laws

o   Hurdle in the litigation

o   Remedy

·       Overall we can say that this Act is a safeguard of the interest and rights of consumers


History, Features, Objectives, Importance, Scope and Needs of CPA 1986

·       History

o   Passed in Lok Sabha on 9th December1986

o   Passed in Rajya Sabha on 10th December1986

o   Assented by the President of India on 24th December 1986

o   Came into force from 1st July 1987

·       Features

o   Applies to all

§  Goods

§  Services

§  Unfair Trade Practices

o   Cover all sectors

§  Private

§  Public

§  Co-operative

o   Provides establishment of consumer protection councils at

§  Central

§  State

§  & District level

·       Objectives

o   To protect the consumers from abuse

o   To provide a venue for grievance/redress

o   To ensure a better quality of living by improving the quality of consumer products & services

·       Importance

o   To prevent the

§  Unorganized Consumers

§  Consumers Ignorance

§  Widespread Exploitation of Consumers

§  Businessman Uses the Society Resources

§  Government Intervention

·       Scope

o   Requirements to performance, composition & packaging of a consumer product

o   Requirement as to kind, class & dimensions

o   Requirement as to the method of sampling, tests & codes

o   Requirements as to precautions in storage, transporting & packaging

o   Requirement that a consumer product is to be marked with safety warnings & instructions

·       Needs

o   Social Responsibility

o   Increasing Awareness

o   Consumer Satisfaction

o   Survival & Growth of Business

o   Principle of Trusteeship


Rights & Responsibility of a Consumer

·       Rights

o   Right to

§  Safety

§  Information

§  Choice

§  Be heard

§  Seek Redress

§  Consumer Education

§  Basic Needs

§  Healthy Environment

·       Responsibility

o   Must exercise his rights

o   Cautious

o   Focus on quality

o   Insist on cash memo

o   Filling complaint for the redress of genuine grievances


Three Tier Consumer Grievances Machinery

·       District Forum (value of goods & claim does not exceeds Rs. 20 lakh)

·       State Commission (value of goods & claim is more than Rs. 20 lakh but does not exceed 1 crore)

·       National Commission (takes up all the cases exceeding the value of Rs. 1 crore)


Video Description

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