Concept of HRD


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·       Human Resource Development is the framework for helping employees to develop their

o   Personal skills

o   Organizational skills

o   Knowledge

o   & Abilities

·       HRD includes opportunities such as

o   Employee training

o   Employee carrier development

o   Performance management & development

o   Coaching

o   Mentoring

o   Succession planning

o   Key employee identification

o   Organization development


Need For HRD

·       Implementing a new policy

·       Implementing a strategy

·       Effecting organizational change

·       Changing an organization’s culture

·       Meeting changes in the external environment

·       Solving particular problems


Importance of HRD

·       To develop competencies

·       To mitigate consequences of industrialization

·       To bring about system wide change

·       To develop a proper climate in the organization


Principles of HRD

·       Deal with people as complete individuals

·       Make people feel worthwhile and related

·       Treat all employees with justice

·       Supply employee with relevant information

·       Treat people with respect & dignity

·       Provide opportunities for growth

·       Predominance of group interest over individual interest

Need of HRD

·       For the growth of organization

·       For the diversification in an organization

·       To become more effective

·       To improve systems & services

·       To become dynamic

·       To play leadership roles



·       Development of working culture

·       Development of potential

·       Growth of employees

·       Development of the whole organization

·       Increase in Entrepreneurship 

Video Description

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