Concept of Healthcare Industry & Its Ever-Changing Character


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·       A modern healthcare industry has become highly scientific and complex in the last three decades

·       The change is due to the introduction of diagnostics and therapeutic technologies

·       Healthcare industry has reached a point, where it needs to decide that what services to be provided in a cost effective manner

·       Role of the hospital also changes from “Curative Health” to “Preventive Healthcare

·       The healthcare has crossed the barrier of the hospital to the community care

·       In simple words the healthcare broadened their role from healthcare to the

o   Health education

o   Training

o   Research

o   Disease surveillance


Changing Role of Hospitals

·       Primary Role

o   Curative Services

§  OPD care

§  IPD care

§  MTP

§  Surgeries etc

·       Changing Role

o   Internal Functions

§  Curative care

§  Preventive care

§  Health promotion

§  Rehabilitation

o   External Functions

§  Health education

§  Attending referrals

§  Specialist support

§  Outreach services

Modern healthcare system has to strike a balance between Internal & External functions by balancing between internal management and outside community in one side and developing feedback system between the clinical department and administration.

Curative Care Vs Preventive Care

·       Curative Care

o   Shifting of focus from indoor care to Outpatient care because of

§  Raising cost of hospital care

§  Shortage of hospital beds

§  Economic importance

o   Outpatient care involves centre such as

§  Day hospitals for

·       MTP

·       Sterilization

·       Cataract operation

·       Dialysis etc

§  Polyclinics

§  Health centre

§  Walk-in clinic

§  Dispensary

·       Preventive Care

o   Communicable Diseases Prevention

§  Vector Born Diseases

§  Tuberculosis

§  Leprosy


o   Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention

§  Cardiac Diseases

§  Cancer

§  Blindness

§  Goitre

§  Diabetes

o   Maternal Health Diseases Prevention

§  Anaemia

§  STD & HIV

§  Immunization

§  ANC

o   Child Health Diseases Prevention

§  Anaemia

§  Immunization

§  Diarrhoea

§  RTI

§  Malnutrition

o   Disability Prevention

§  Primary Prevention (Prevent Disability)

§  Secondary Prevention (Disability Limitation)

§  Tertiary Prevention (Rehabilitation)

o   Health Education

§  Personal Hygiene

§  Sanitation

§  Family Welfare

§  Balance diet

§  Mental Health Counselling

§  Hand Washing

o   Health Promotion Services

§  Growth Monitoring

§  Immunization

§  Health Screening

§  Marriage Counselling

§  Anti-Smoking

§  Occupational Health


Changing Role of Administrator

·       Understanding Healthcare Needs

·       Power Sharing

·       Participatory Management

·       Resource Utilization

·       Positive Attitude

·       Manpower Utilization


Video Description

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