Telecommunication Model


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·       Various communication models are

·       Linear

o   Lasswell’s Model

o   Aristotle’s Model

o   Shannon Weaver Model

o   Berlo’s SMCR Model

·       Transactional

o   Barnlund’s Transactional Model

o   Helical Model

o   Becker’s Mosaic Model


Linear Model

·       Simple one way communication model

·       Message flows in a straight line from sender to the receiver

·       Concept of feedback is not present

o   Lasswell’s Model

§  One way model

§  The 5 components of this model are

·       Who (Sender)

·       Says What (Message)

·       Channel (Medium)

·       To Whom (Receiver)

·       With What Effect (Feedback)

§  Does not consider out the barriers of communication

§  Effective model of communication

o   Aristotle Model

§  It was the first model of communication

§  Proposed before 300 BC by Sir Aristotle (384-322BC)

§  The 5 primary elements of this model are

·       Speaker

·       Speech

·       Occasion

·       Audience

·       Effect

§  It is a speaker centerd model because the delivery of speech to the audiences is the role of speaker

§  The audiences are in passive role

§  Example is the speech of a politician to the voters at the time of election

o   Shanone & Weaver

§  Created by Shannon & Weaver in 1948

§  This is the mother of all the models

§  The main components of this model are

·       Information Source

·       Transmitter

·       Noise Source

·       Receiver

·       Destination

§  The 3 levels of problem of communication as per the Shannon Weaver are

·       Technical Problem

·       Semantic Problem

·       Effectiveness Problem

o   Berlo’s SMCR Model

§  The components of this model are

·       Source (Communication Skill, Attitude, Knowledge, Social system Culture)

·       Message (Content, Element, Treatment, Structure, Code)

·       Channel (Hearing, Seeing, Touching, Smelling, testing)

·       Receiver (Communication Skill, Attitude, Knowledge, Social system Culture)

§  There is no concept of

·       Feedback

·       Noise

·       Barriers in communication


Transactional Model

·       Senders & Receivers both are known as communicators

·       It relates the communication with

o   Social reality

o   Cultural upbringing

o   Relational context

o   Gesture

o   Body language

·       Different transactional models are

o   Barnlund’s Model

§  Multi layered feedback system

§  Public cues – Environment

§  Private cues – Senses

§  Behavioural cues – Non Verbal

o   Helical

§  Interchangeable sender receiver

§  Intellectual process

§  Not tested, continuity can never be true

§  A helix is a 3 dimensional spring like curve in the shape of a cylinder or a cone

o   Becker’s Mosaic

§  The components are

·       Empty cells

·       Vertical layers

·       Cells

·       Loops

§  Complexity of communication

§  No environmental and social dimensions

§  New bits are useless if the last bits are lost


Video Description

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