Social Marketing


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·       Systematic application of marketing tools & techniques to achieve the socially desirable goals

·       It also includes the

o   Design

o   Implementation

o   & Control of programs

·       It influence the acceptability of social ideas and involves considerations of

o   Product planning

o   Product pricing

o   Communication

o   Market research


Goals, Features & Discipline of Social Marketing

·     Goals

o   To avoid risky practices

o   To discontinue the antisocial actions

o   To take preventive measures

o   To join, give & organize for a specific cause

·     Features

o   Behavioral change is voluntary

o   Operates on the principle of exchange

o   Use of marketing techniques such as

§  Consumer oriented market research

§  Segmentation

§  Targeting

§  Marketing mix

o   Improve individual & social welfare

·     Disciplines

o   Health education

o   Advertising

o   Economics

o   Business management

o   Scientific research

o   Community organization

o   Psychology

o   Epidemiology


Approach, Limitations & Challenges of Social Marketing

·       Approach

o   Identification of societal problem

o   Establishing methods for social marketing

o   Identification of priorities

o   Implementation of affordable efforts

o   Analysis of marketing activities

o   Identification of targeted audience

o   Identification of objective for each target group

o   Designing & testing the social message

o   Selection of marketing system

o   Evaluate the impact of social message

·       Limitations

o   Scale of intervention

o   Focus on isolated behavior

o   Major structural barriers

o   Decision making

o   Funding

o   Lack of support

o   Lack of opportunities

o   Poor management

·       Challenges

o   Accurate market analysis

o   Market segmentation

o   Product strategy

o   Pricing strategy

o   Channels selecting strategy

o   Limitations of communication options

o   Lack of health planner knowledge’s


Video Description

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