Service Marketing


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       A Service is a act of performance that one person offers to another person and does not results in the ownership of anything

·       Services are essentially intangible

·       Service may or may not be tied to a physical product


Scope & Characteristics of Services

·       Scope

o   For profit

o   Not for profit

o   Non profit

·       Characteristics

o   Intangibility

o   Perishability

o   Inseparability

o   Ownership

o   Quality measurement


Classification of Services

·       On the basis of Tangibility

o   Services linked to tangible goods (warranties)

o   Tangible goods linked to services (Theatres offering 3d glasses along with movie)

·       On the basis of Orientation

o   Non profit organizations

o   Commercial organization

o   Trust organizations

·       On the basis of Skill & Expertise

o   Professional

o   Non Professional

·       On the basis of end user

o   Consumer services

o   Business to business services

o   Industrial services


STP Analysis of Hospital Services

·       Segmentation

o   Geographical

§  Rural areas

§  Semi urban areas

§  Urban areas

o   Specialty

§  Private clinics

§  Nursing homes

§  Specialty

§  Multispecialty hospitals

o   Class

§  Lower

§  Middle

§  Upper middle

§  Upper

o   Psychographic

§  Quality

§  Service

§  Economy

§  Speed

·       Targeting

o   Geographical

§  Semi urban areas

o   Specialty

§  Specialty hospital

o   Class

§  Upper middle

§  Upper

o   Psychographic

§  Quality

§  Service

§  Economy

·       Positioning

o   Quality healthcare experience with a commitment to the exemplary physical, emotional and spiritual care


Service Triangle, Delivery & Blueprint

·       Service Triangle

·       Service Delivery

·       Service Blueprint

Video Description

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