Promotional Activities


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·       Promotion is a type of marketing communication technique

·       It is aimed at customers to buy or use a product/service by

o   Informing

o   Influencing

o   & Persuading the customer

·       All over it includes the communication about a product or service

·       It is also an element in the marketing mix


Uses & Aims of Promotion

·       Uses

o   Increase sales

o   Attract new customers

o   Encourage trials

o   Create awareness

o   Create an image

o   Position a product

o   Encourage brand switching

o   Change attitudes

o   Remind potential customers

·       Aims

o   To ensure that the customers are aware of the existence and positioning of the product

o   Too persuade customers that the product is better than competing products

o   To remind customers about why they may want to buy


Promotional Activities

·       Advertising

o   Paid for communication

o   Used to done through different modes like

§  Television

§  Radio

§  Newspaper

§  Cinema

o   Consumer subjected to many advertising messages each day

o   Advantages involves

§  Wide coverage

§  Control of message

§  Build brand loyalty

o   Disadvantages involves

§  Often expensive

§  Impersonal

§  One way communication

·       Personal Selling

o   Person to person Selling

o   Two way communication

o   Used to done through different modes such as

§  Telephone

§  Knocking doors

§  Retail outlets

o   Advantages involves

§  High customer attention

§  Interactivity

§  Persuasive impact

o   Disadvantages involves

§  High cost

§  Labour intensive

§  Limited reach

·       Sales Promotion

o   Use of incentives & discount on items to stimulate the sales

o   Short term incentives to increase sales

o   Aimed at intermediaries & sales force

o   Examples includes (Coupons, Free gifts, Loyalty points etc)

o   Advantages involves

§  Quick boost to sales

§  Encourage customers

§  Helps to switch brands

o   Disadvantages involves

§  Short term nature

§  Can damage brand image

§  Chances of anticipation

·       Merchandising

o   Maximizing the effectiveness of retail distribution

o   Display products to maximize the sales

o   Operates at the point of sale like a shop

o   Advantages involves

§  Interactivity

§  Bargaining ease

§  Fixed infrastructure

o   Disadvantages involves

§  Limited reach

§  Limited expandability

§  Low market area

·       Direct Marketing

o   Promotion directly through

§  Mail

§  Telephone

§  Individual households

§  Businesses

o   Allow a business to generate a specific response from targeted groups of customers

o   Advantages involves

§  Can personalize the marketing message

§  Easy to measure response & success

§  Easy to test different marketing messages

o   Disadvantages involves

§  Response rates vary enormously

§  Negative image of junk mail

§  Expensive to maintain the data


Video Description

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