Patient Care Communication


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·       In present time, great expectations & demands are placed on each healthcare worker to give best quality of care

o   Efficiently

o   Safely

o   & Cost effectively to optimize to optimize patient care

·       To create a safe environment an effective inter professional communication is required

·       Communication is the heart of everything but important in healthcare to deal with

o   Patients who feel

§  Vulnerable

§  Alone

§  Frightened

o   Team management


Process, Importance & Methods of Communication

·     Process                      

o   Opening

o   State concern

o   State the problem

o   State a solution

o   Obtain agreement

·     Importance

o   Helps patients to feel ease

o   Helps patients to feel in control

o   Make patients feel valued

·     Methods

o   Listening & attending

§  Listening is vital to a good communication and especially important for healthcare workers

§  The main thing for the listening by the healthcare workers is the patients & family complaints

§  Always remember these guidelines while you are responding to a complaint

·       Compose yourself

·       Attend

·       Listen

·       Moving on

o   Non verbal

§  Communication described by the help of body language

§  It says a lot about our engagement and interest in the communication we are having

§  The four elements of our body language are

·       Body posture

·       Eye contact

·       Facial expression

·       Touch

o   Verbal

§  Communication described by the help of using words in written or spoken format

§  It should be

·       Clear

·       Accurate

·       Honest

·       Appropriate

§  The healthcare worker must be

·       Courteous

·       Respectful

·       Encouraging


o   Questioning

§  Closed Questioning (the answer should be Yes or No)

·       Would you like an extra pillow?

·       Can you tell me your address??

§  Open Questioning

·       They invites the person to open up

·       Helps to know the depth of the problem

·       How do u feel?

o   Written

§  Needed to keep good written records and helps in

·       To record the care that has been given to the patient

·       Generate evidence based care

·       Helps to ease the understanding by other hospital staff


Barriers to Healthcare Communication

·       Language differences

·       Nurses being overworked

·       Family interference

·       Presence of emergency patient in the ward

·       Gender differences between patient & nurse

·       Hectic Environment


Video Description

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