MIS System Approach


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·       System approach is a framework method that is used to aid & help to analyze and explore the interactions & operations which exist in the system around us

·       A system is an assembly of parts where

o   Parts & components are connected together in an organized way

o   Parts & components are affected by being in the system

o   Assembly does something

o   Assembly is identified by a person who is a part of special interest


Examples of Systems

·       A railway system

·       A hospital

·       An accounting system

·       Local authority

·       A central heating system

·       An information system


Systems Approach Overview & Features

·     Overview

o   An arrangement which involves the

§  Handling

§  Processing

§  & Manipulation of resources

o   A manufacturing company or any organization can be seen as a system where peoples grouped into sections and departments

·     Features

o   All systems are composed of interrelated parts

o   Always remember the Whole system is more than the sum of individual parts

o   The parts are also made up of other smaller parts

o   The parts within the system cannot be altered without affecting other parts

o   All subsystem should work towards the goal of their higher systems not to pursue their own individual objectives


Elements of a System

·       Transformation process

o   All systems are composed of the some basic elements like

§  Inputs

§  Processes

§  Outputs

o   The transformation process is controlled by the information

·       Boundaries

o   Boundaries are the features which defines the extent of a system

o   Boundaries are readily identifiable as they tend to arise naturally

o   There are many transfers across boundaries of

§  Ideas

§  People

§  Material

§  & Information

o   Boundaries are determined by the management and can vary tremendously from one organization to another

·       Environment

o   External elements whose changes affect the state of the system

o   The environment is diverse and is rarely static

Video Description

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