MIS Information Needs


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Information can be refers to the meaningfully interpreted data

·       It is a sequence of symbols that can be constructed to a useful message

·       It is a data that has been processed into a meaningful form to the recipient

·       DATA__________PROCESSING___________INFORMATION


Information Collection Techniques & Classification of Information

·       Techniques

o   Surveys

o   Secondary data sources

o   Objective measures

o   Interviews

·       Classification

o   On the basis of Characteristics

§  Strategic Information

·       Concerned with long term policy decision

·       Example can be a new product

§  Tactical Information

·       Information needed for exercising control over business resources

·       Example can be the quality control

§  Operational Information

·       Proper conduction of specific operational tasks as planned

·       Example can be the shift specific jobs for quality control

o   On the basis of Application

§  Planning Information

·       Needed for establishing standards norms & specification

·       Example can be the Time Standards

§  Control Information

·       Establishing control over all business activities through feedback mechanism

·       Example can be the proper utilization of resources

§  Knowledge Information

·       Information about information

·       Acquired through experience & learning

·       Collected from research studies

§  Organizational Information

·       Deals with an organizations environment, culture in the light of its objectives

·       Example can be the Employee & Payroll information

§  Functional Information

·       Operation specific information

·       Example can be the duty roaster

§  Database Information

·       Has multiple usage & specifications

·       Example can be the supplier information


Video Description

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