Marketing Ethics


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·       Ethics is the art & science of determining

o   Good & Bad

o   Right & Wrong moral behavior of a single or group of people

·       Marketing is the science & art of

o   Exploring

o   Creating

o   & Delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market

·       Marketing Ethics is a field that deals with the moral principle behind marketing

·       Ethics in marketing applies to different areas such as in

o   Product

o   Pricing

o   Placing

o   Promotion

o   Advertising


Ethics in Marketing

·       To create values

·       To create trust

·       To develop more positive attitudes about the

o   Firm

o   Product

o   & Services

·       To build good image in the mind of

o   Customers

o   Employees

o   Shareholders

o   & Society


Ethical Issues in Marketing

·       Product

o   Consumer Safety

o   Reliability

o   Liability

o   Designing

·       Packaging

o   Label information

o   Packaging graphics

o   Packaging safety

o   Environmental implication

·       Price

o   Bid rigging

o   Supra competitive pricing

o   Price fixing

o   Price skimming

·       Placing

o   Expired product distribution

o   Exerting influence to cause vendors to reduce display space for competitors product

o   Promising shipment when knowing delivery is not possible

·       Promotion & Advertising

o   Puffery

o   Advertising to children’s

o   Promoting unhealthy products

o   Subliminal advertising

o   Deceptive advertising


Video Description

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