Decision Support System (DSS)



Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       DSS is a computer based information system that supports organization in decision making activities

·       It is also a collection of integrated software application & hardware that form the backbone of an organization in decision making process

·       It is also a component of problem solving  which involves

o   Intelligence

o   Design

o   Choice

o   Implementation

o   Monitoring


Classification, Characteristics, Objectives, Components, Requirements, Applications, Advantages & Limitations of DSS

·       Classification

o   Passive DSS

§  It aids the process of decision making

§  Cannot bring out explicit decision suggestions

o   Active DSS

§  Can bring out such decisions, suggestions or solutions

o   Cooperative DSS

§  Allow s the decision makers to modify, complete or refine the decision suggestions provided by the system before sending them back to the system for validation

·       Characteristics

o   Facilitation

o   Interaction

o   Ancillary

o   Repeated use

o   Identifiable

o   Task oriented

o   Decision impact

o   Group decision making

o   Supports individual

o   Comprehensive data access

o   Easy to develop

o   Integrated software

o   Flexibility

·       Objectives

o   To increase the effectiveness of Manager’s decision making process

o   To support the Manager’s in decision making

o   To improve the directors effectiveness of decision making

·       Components

o   Inputs

o   User knowledge & expertise

o   Outputs

o   Decisions

·       Requirements

o   Data collections from multiple resources

o   Data formatting

o   Data collation

o   Robust tools

o   Report, monitor & analyze the data

·       Applications

o   Medical Diagnosis

o   Business & Management

o   Agriculture

o   Forest management

·       Advantages

o   Time saving

o   Enhance effectiveness

o   Competitive advantage

o   Cost reduction

o   Promote learning

·       Limitations

o   Monetary Cost

o   Transfer of power

o   Status reduction

o   Information overloaded

o   Assumption of relevance


Video Description

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