Data Processing


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       Data is the collection of figures & facts just like values or measurement

·       Data Processing is a process of converting of raw data into the meaningful information

·       The processing of data remain continues until an accurate result is obtained


Stages & Steps of Data Processing

·       Stages

o   Collection

o   Preparation

o   Input

o   Processing

o   Output

o   Storage

·       Steps

o   Input

§  Data is coded

§  Data is converted into a machine readable form

§  The converted form helps to process the data through a computer

o   Processing

§  When the data is subjected to various means and methods of manipulation

§  The point where a computer program is being executed

§  The processing of data is done by

·       Classifying

·       Sorting

·       Calculating

·       Summarizing

·       & in Comparing the data

o   Output

§  Output is the presentation of processed data to various user in different formats like

·       Text

·       Graphics

·       Audio

·       Video


Types of Data Processing

·       MDP (Manual Data Processing)

o   When the data is processed on manual basis

o   Higher chances of errors such as

§  Delays in data capturing

§  Misprint of high amount of operators

§  High labor cost

·       EDP (Electronic Data Processing)

o   Recording, Manipulating & Summarizing the data

o   Computer can help in

§  Accuracy

§  Speed

§  Consistency

§  Storage capacity

§  Automation

Elements & Components of CDP (Computer Data Processing)

o   Elements

o   Recording

o   Verifying

o   Duplicating

o   Classifying

o   Sorting

o   Calculating

o   Summarizing & Reporting

o   Merging

o   Storing

o   Retrieving

o   Feedback

o   Components

o   CPU (Central Processing Unit)

o   Computer Memory

o   Data bus

o   Ports

o   Motherboard

o   Hard disk

o   Output devices

o   Input devices


Video Description

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