Corporate Marketing


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·       A comprehensive promotion of a company’s product or services

·       Generally it focuses on the

o   Brand building

o   Brand image

o   Strengthening customer relationship

·       Main objectives of corporate marketing are

o   To satisfy customers

o   To connect customers with their products

o   To make customers their product fan


Planning Questions of Corporate Strategy

·       Which products to offer?

·       Which markets to serve?

·       What each product should contribute to the firm?

·       How resources should be allocated across products?


Factors Influencing & Objectives of Corporate Strategy

·       Factors Influencing

o   Environment problems & Opportunities

o   Corporate mission & objective

o   Organizational resources & Competencies

·       Objectives

o   Profitability

o   Volume

o   Stability

o   Image improvement


Core Development Options

·       Core Business (Market Penetration)

o   New market for existing product (Market Development)

o   New products for existing markets (Product Development)

o   Integration (Backward forward horizontal)

o   Sell the business

·       New Product Market (Diversification)

o   Relate to core business (Concentric Horizontal)

o   Unrelated to core business (Conglomerate)


Types of Corporate Strategy

·       Growth Strategies

o   For Current Markets

§  Market penetration

§  Product development

§  Vertical Integration

o   For New Markets

§  Market development

§  Diversification

§  Strategic Alliances

·       Consolidation Strategies

o   Retrenchment

o   Pruning

o   Divestment


Video Description

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