Application Software


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·       Software refers to all the programs that runs on a computer

·       The variety of uses of application software includes

o   To increase the efficiency of business activities

o   To provides assistance with graphics & multimedia projects

o   To support home, personal & educational task

o   To facilitate the communication

·       Generally the software are of two types

o   Systems Software

o   Application Software


Application Software

·       All the application software runs on an OS platform for all interaction with the hardware

·       It is designed to help users with single or multiple tasks

·       The three main categories of application software are

o   Tailor-made software

§  Custom designed software

§  Facilitate the data processing & accessing for the companies

§  Examples are

·       Business Management Software

·       Academic Lab Software

·       Industrial Automation Software

·       Cyber Administrating Software

o   General Purpose Software

§  Applications that are developed to target the mass market

§  Used in many different ways by different users

§  Examples are

·       Word Processor

·       Media Player

·       Discs Burner

·       Web Browser

o   Application Package

§  A collection of software that is used to solve the related tasks

§  Examples are

·       Microsoft Office Package

·       Adobe Premium Suite


Examples of Application Software

·       Word Processor

o   An application software used mostly for documentation purposes, such as

§  Composition

§  Letter writing

§  Editing

§  Formatting

§  Printing

o   Features are

§  Annotation

§  Background

§  Borders & Shading

§  Font Case

§  Language translation

·       Spreadsheet

o   An application software used mostly as a simulation of a table or records whereby a user can enter alphanumerical values & manipulate them using formulae

o   Features are

§  Worksheet area

§  Values

§  Labels

§  Formulae

§  Functions

§  Graphs & Charts

·       Presentation & Graphic Software

o   A type of application program used to create sequences of words, graphics & visuals that tell a story

o   Features are

§  Slide shows

§  Charts & Graphics

§  Slide design

§  Content animation

·       Web Browser

o   Interactive application that allow the user to surf the internet and visit web, check his email through a simple interface while having background protocol processing

§  Features are

·       Support a wide range of languages

·       Interactive supports

·       Support various media

·       History of last visits


Video Description

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