Resource Mobilization


Description also available in video format (attached below), for better experience use your desktop.


·       It could be seen as a combination between

o   Resources (necessary elements to run an organization)

o   Mechanisms (helps to obtain the resources directly)

o   Partners (person providing resources)

·       It is the process of identification of essential resources for the

o   Development

o   Implementation

o   & Continuation of work to achieve the organization goals

·       It means the expansion of relations with the

o   Resource providers

o   Skills

o   Knowledge

o   & Capacity for proper use of resources

·       Helps to achieve organization goal by the mobilization of

o   Knowledge in human

o   Use of skills

o   Equipment

o   Services etc


Importance features & Process

·       Importance

o   Diversify & expand resources

o   Helps of formulate an Independent budget

o   Decrease dependency on others

o   Increase the sustainability of the organization & program

o   Maximum use of domestic capital & skills

o   Expand deep relations with the stakeholder & community

o   Run programs based on the genuine needs of the community

o   Develop new thinking & challenge the old traditions

o   Enhance the dignity

·       Features

o   Resource identification

o   Resource provider identification

o   Mechanism identification to receive resources

o   Right use of resources

o   Lower financial risk

o   Seeking out new resources

o   Thought of institutional sustainability

·       Process

o   Identify objectives

o   Prepare RM plan

o   Agreement approval

o   Implement

o   Monitoring

o   Evaluation


Types of Resources, Resource Providers & Factors Motivate for Resource Mobilization

·       Resource Types

o   Non profit organization

o   Money

o   Technical assistance

o   Cooperation

o   Human resources

o   Physical goods

o   Free service

o   Facilities

·       Resource Providers

o   Organizations/Institutions

o   NGOs

o   National Governments

o   Individual

o   Other groups

o   Private sectors

·       Factors Motivate for Resource Mobilization

o   Politics

o   Social

o   Financial

o   Business

o   Religious

o   Cultural

o   Development 


Video Description

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