Merger & Acquisition


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·       Merger is the combining of two or more companies, generally by offering the stockholders of one company securities in the acquiring company in exchange for the surrender of their stock.

·       Acquisition is a condition when one company takes over another company and clearly established itself as the new owner, the purchase is called an acquisition

·       Generally acquisition is considered negative in nature


Process of M&A

·  Deal sourcing & Origination

·  Initial screening

·  Preliminary due diligence

·  Indicative offer

·  Negotiation

·  Full due diligence

·  Internal approvals

·  Finalize agreements

·  Closing

·  Integration

·  Growth & Acquisition strategy


Motives, Benefits & Problems of M&A

·       Motives

o   Economies of large scale business

o   Elimination of competition

o   Desire to enjoy monopoly power

o   Adoption of modern technology

o   Lack of technical & managerial talent

·       Benefits

o   Greater value generation

o   Gaining cost efficiency

o   Increase in market share

o   Gain higher competitiveness

·       Problems

o   Integration difficulties

o   Large debts

o   Extraordinary debt

o   Managers overly focused on acquisition

o   Overly diversified


Impact & Strategies of M&A

·       Impact

o   Employees

o   Top level management

o   Shareholders of the acquired firm

o   Shareholders of the acquired firm

·       Strategies

o   Future market opportunities

o   Recent trends

o   Customer’s feedback

o   Restructuring Plans

o   Future parameters consideration

o   Consent of the management



·       Tata Steel-Corus

·       Vodafone-Hutchison Essar

·       Tata Motors-Jaguar Land Rover

·       ONGC-Imperial Energy

·       RIL-RPL merger

·       Air India & Indian Airlines


Video Description

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